Happy reading:)

Thursday 13 November 2014

Let go and Love.

Oh hello there fellow readers.
I hope today you're in top shape, and smiling in your heart.

I haven't posted in a while.. I guess I have been super busy with moving, settling in the new house, work and life.
I haven't exactly had time to stop and think. And yet my brain has been so consumed with a lot over the last few weeks.
I can cope with change, but it doesn't mean i like it, or it's easy.
Recently some issues have come up regarding people close to my heart. I don't like to think about it but I have been hurt and heart broken. It's not easy to watch one person who you have known your whole life find it so easy to walk away. Someone who you have respected, loved and had support you through all of my 21 years.
I don't quite understand. I'm honestly a bit lost about it.
It's sad, disappointing and consuming. And all I can do is pray.
It doesn't mean I don't love them any less, in fact I know that God has a purpose in all of this. And His love conquers all. My fears, my failures and all my brokenness I surrender to God.
It's a funny thing, love.
I think we all have so much of it to give away, yet I see so many people journeying in life just wanting it for themselves. Taking every little thing and making it about them..
Selfishness leads to a lonely life. Not only do you become so self absorbed even your closes friends can't stand to be around you. Being so caught up in the world, leads to destructiveness. It's hard being let down by someone so close to you. It makes you feel angry, and let down. But I've come to realize, sometimes its okay to let go of people. Especially if they are going to hurt you and all you do is give.

Monday 20 October 2014

God is above all things.

There comes a time where your head hurts, life gets tougher, and your heart starts to weep.
You say you're busy or tired to everyone who asks, and you have to take each day as it comes.
It's exhausting pretending to be okay, when there is so much of life that isn't.
Sometimes when we anticipate something to go bad, it alteady has because of our attitude. 
But I am not going to let the devil have a piece of me. Not a chance.

 Disapproval, and heart break. Change weather we want it to or not does happen, nothing stays the same. So why do we expect to much? I often use the word hope, because we all hold onto it some how. It's easy to convince ourselves that we will be happier, things will get better. 
And we're right; they probably will, in time. Why not now?
The devil convinces us, the world convinces us that it ill be tomorrow, later, in time. No in God's timing everything is good when we ask for it. and I am certain He wants the opposite for me. I am certain, He wants me to have that joy, peace and serenity I Him. 

Sometimes, it hurts when you're getting stronger.
Diamonds can be sharp, and the sunshine can burn.
But it doesn't mean it is worthless, It doesn't mean golden hour isn't beautiful.

It's all about perspective, how we take an perceive things.
It's hard when someone gives you the cold shoulder, when you try and love someone and it turns around and slaps you in the face.
I have news for you, Life is hard, people are human, you're going to get hurt, someone will break your heart.

All of my worries, fears, hurt, failure, sadness, weakness can be
Faith, confidence, love, success, joy, strength.

God is the only thing that keeps me going. Keeps me in a place of mind where nothing hurts me, nothing can touch me, and no matter what nothing can get me down. In Jesus name, I stand strong, I glorify my Jesus. I choose to believe things can happen for the good of this world, I choose to believe in a Love so big our minds can't comprehend, and I believe in a savior that conqured the grave. He saved me. 

"And though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because God is with me" 

In the Lord,there is freedom. In the Lord chains are broken. 
God opens His arms, and as we surrender. Let your presence fall. 

Sunday 14 September 2014

Creating my own disaster when I've forgotten how to stand.

Have you ever been in a situation that you continually put yourself in no matter what? You constantly get reminded of the outcome and that it isn't going to turn out the way you want it to, but you're willing to cling onto every opportunity to get involved because no matter how hard you try, you are hoping that the outcome will change?

Here I find myself.
I won't explain this situation, because some people may get the wrong ideas. But I will tell you is that, sometimes, no matter how much effort, and support, friendship, love and investing you do in someone- doesn't change the way they are feeling. Though it might enhance your feelings, theirs will stay practically the same, because at the end of the day, it's not up to you to tell them what to feel, or do.

People can be in their own state of mind, and of course this is coming form mine.

Often, we can't change someone else's heart.
We get a choice who we invest in, who are our closer relationships, and the ones we will fight for.
Sometimes though, we don't. this is when we can't change other peoples minds, and who they have on their own heart.

It's tough isn't it?
*laughs* Sometimes, I feel as though it's a bit of a joke how seriously we can take it. But at the same time we can't take it like a joke. (If that makes any sense at all)
I like to take things as they come, I'm not really one to look to the future, or keep in the past.
Which can make it hard, because I need to do things like save, and think about where I want to be in 5 years time. But also for me, not knowing is the exciting bit. Who knows what is to come, it's an adventure!
Have fun live in the moment, speak your heart, live each day like your last....all that stuff.

When it comes to relationship- why so often is it so hard to be honest to the people closest to us?
Maybe we fear rejection, changing friendships, love loss, being hurt. We fear for our self.
Talk about selfish!

This world is so full of what our creator and His presence, and yet we still yearn to find fulfillment, because of the culture we live in. It's so very easy to get sucked into- being busy, wanting more, and taking. Which isn't bad. but when I think of how blessed we are to live the way we do, it concerns me how much more we still want.

The past few weeks, ill be honest. I have been focusing on my life only.
I have found I don't have a lot of time for other people, or to do things in general. I have been hurt, confused and busy. Working a lot more then I should, worrying a little more, and becoming consumed by my thoughts a little to much. But I haven't forgotten about others needs either, I guess what I mean is I haven't had time for others needs. It can be healthy to put yourself before others when you need a break. and lets be honest, we all probably do. 

I hate that word, "busy".
I don't want to be busy.
But reality is most of us are.
I'm caught up in a culture where work and everything seems to get in the way of living. Of that quality time, investing in people.

One thing I would say to you is, it doesn't matter who you're investing in, who your encouraging, growing with. God places those people around us for a reason, instead of being selfish we need to take advantage of the fact that we are only here to love, and be an ambassador of the Lord.

So I have found, with the situation I was talking about before- is that when I focus on God and His plans. My own plans don't matter.
His way is already done, I just have to trust that He has a better plan for my life.
And He does.

Than all my worries, fear goes away, and my perspectives is that of the Fathers.
My direction is His, and my feet are on His path.

Creating my own disaster when I have forgotten how to stand.
Stand firm in His word, and on His path.
Life becomes such a mess and uncertain purpose when I'm not caught in His grace.
Thank you God for your constant love and reminder to my soul, that your love conquers all.

1 Peter 4:2-4
 As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. They are surprised that you do not join them in their reckless, wild living, and they heap abuse on you

Peace friends,

Monday 18 August 2014

Learning in love.

Sometime life comes back to bit me in the butt. I had a realization, where my past came back and effected my future.
I saw a film the other day with some friends. It was a Japanese film called "Still the water". It was a deep, slow moving film that had a variety of emotions. In the second scene one of the main characters is walking along the shallow water on the beach at night. And long story short, they find a body facing down in the water.
You're probably thinking that its no different to any other film out where bodies are found and people die.. but to me, this particular scene hit home. Especially because I was' t expecting it. Some of you may know that in the early summer days of 2012 a few friends and myself found a dead body in the shallow waters of Chelsea beach. A few of us had gone down in the evening for a little adventure on a hot day. The water was clear and still very warm. I don't want to give all the details because it is a long story but man did they come back to the surface when I watched this scene. I found myself trying to hold back loud sobs with tears streaming down my face, and the fore front of my mind was replaying over in my head what I had seen on that night.. It's funny how something can still effect you so emotionally today the same as a few years ago. Not only emotionally, but spiritually..
It was a busy night along the beach. The water and air was still warm. There were a few people out and about. As we were standing waiting for some other friends to arrive, I noticed a dark shadow about 15 meters away from us. Remember it was dark so it was a faint shadow, but it still stood out. At first I was scared it could be a shark, I joked that it would eat me. Another one of my friends had joked "how funny would it be if it were a dead body". Little did we know how little funny it was.
As we got close the shape of this "object" got more apparent. With what like felt seconds, I was running back to the car to get my phone so we could shine a light to see what it really was. It was a body.
All I remember was running back to shore, my heart pounding in my chest. For all of us there our natural instincts took over, I was calling triple 0, Jenny (my sister) pacing and who knows what else. Josh and Daz (the guys with us) were dragging the body out of the water and started CPR almost immediately without question. I asked a few people who were still around if they had seen or even noticed anything because we had only just arrived. No one had any idea... as I was on the phone and waiting for the ambulance to arrive, all I could do was pray. "God have your way, God hold this person in your arms, God heal him, God may your Holy Spirit come". I was in shock and speaking in tongues. I had no idea what I was doing.. I just knew I had to pray, and pray hard.
About 10 minutes later the Ambulance arrived and pronounced the deceased dead on arrival. That whole time Daz and Josh were doing CPR. After we had to go to the police station, and give statements etc.... anyway, I'll post my statement I dug up yesterday after seeing the film. I wrote the night after finding Jimmy, (read it, or don't). It was written a while ago, but explains what happened in detail... 

Last night was possibly the most horrific and scariest, God filled and emotional nights of my life. I can’t even begin to describe what happened, just because it’s still so surreal. It was one of those nights where, I actually wanted it to be a dream, and one I woke up from- fast. Yet that didn’t happen at all. Instead, everything was real, the things I saw with my own eyes that scared me the most, were right there in front of me. And now every time I close my eyes I get those taunting images again.
It all started with a few of us heading down to the beach. Daz, Josh Jen and myself drove in one car, whilst Justin, Jordan and Robin headed down in a separate car. With the roads having a de-tour we arrived before the others. Our conversation down to the beach involved talking about what colours go together and what colours clash. Also the boys were saying how much they wanted a burger.  We got out of the car and gathered our things. Being a 38 degree day, by this time (10:30) it was still a nice 25 degrees. And even though it was night, we were going to swim.
It was a busy night on the beach and we were surprised of how many people were there. The others hadn’t arrived yet and we decided to head down to the water, having no reception they would have to meet us there anyways. The water was a little bit colder than expected, but since we had come- we decided to go in anyway. We put down our things and started heading into the water. About knee deep in- I saw a shadow in front of us about 10meters away. Thinking it could be a stingray/shark or seaweed, I wanted to know what it was before we went out any deeper. I asked Josh and Daz to go a bit closer to see if they could figure out what it was, so we could continue with our swim. We all got a little closer, Josh thought it might be a rock. By this point it was about 4 meters away. When it was about two meters away, being dark it was hard to see, but the boys jokingly mentioned “ it  looks like it has legs and arms”. Not knowing 100% what it was, and the shadow having a shape of a body, we needed a light to see better. “Quick go get a light”- josh said to me. All of a sudden this rush came over me and the next 30 minutes of my life would change me forever. All I remember doing is instantly sprinting back to the car, grabbing my phone and it felt as though in seconds I was back in the water handing my phone/light to Josh. Instantly by shining the light, we knew it was  body. In this moment- it was like all of us were being controlled, none of us even thought of what to do. It was one of those moments where you had no idea what to do, but the instinct in us all- took over and we were now all shockingly taking control of the situation.
I ran out of the water and onto the beach, to ask 3 other people if they had noticed anything, if they knew him, or if they even knew there was a body out there. But no one had any idea.
In seconds I was calling triple zero, Dave and Josh immediately started doing CPR on the body. I couldn't see fully who it was, all I knew is that he was dark skinned and a male, about our age.  Praying hard, whislt on the phone, basically hyperventilating, I had no idea what to do or say, yet at the same time I was doing exactly what I needed to do with out even thinking, and my mind was actually spinning. It didn't feel real, but yet it was there. Knowing that this boy had been dead for a while I said we needed police, so I got in contact with the police and told them our where abouts on the beach.
The phone call was then directed through to the ambulance. They told me to wait on the street for them, so before I knew it still praying, I was running to the street. By this time I was off the phone, I found my self jumping and praying, not knowing what else I could say to God to save this boy. I think all of us wanted to just smack him, and say “in the name of Jesus”.
Still waiting about 5 minutes later the police arrived, I ran to the police cars, and told them where they were located on the beach. Some of the police members walked down to where Josh and Daz were giving CPR. I noticed that during this time Jordan, Justin and Robin had arrived.
As I was standing in the car park, I was with one police man, I told him what happened, he took down my details and we walked towards the water where CPR was still taking place. 3 minutes later and the MICA ambulance arrived.  I didn't know what to do with myself or the situation still, by this point there wasn't much I could do. Looking at the body was hard, I was just waiting for him to get up and start breathing. But he didn't.
On arrival and once Daz and Josh stopped reviving him the paramedics took over and pronounced him dead. They placed a blanket over him. It was strange that the shadow in the water I was scared of, became the most saddest, scariest and most eventful thing I have ever faced. We were all praying in tongues, and praying so hard.
The first thing Daz said to me, with blood all over his orange and white shorts was “Do these colours go together?” although he was joking, because we were all in shock I think joking about it, was our way with dealing with what just happened.
I could see Josh and Daz, didn't really know what to do either. I walked over to Daz, he was standing near the body, and the police surrounded the scene. Daz had blood on his shorts, and on the side of his cheek where he had been touching the body and giving him mouth to mouth. Still shaking because of what just happened, I asked if the boys were okay. They seemed okay, there just wasn’t much else they could do.
I walked over to where I had placed my towel before everything had happened. Robin came and asked if I was okay, I didn’t exactly know what to say. But he just hugged me.
 I txt my mum “long story mum, found a dead body on the beach, with police now”. her response was “???....You pulling my leg, tell me you are joking?” … I wish I could tell her I was. I called her and told her that I wasn't joking, I think she could hear in my voice I wasn’t kidding.
We walked up to where all the police cars were, It still didn’t exactly feel real. I had to call But as I looked back, saw the blanket covering the body, looked at everyone’s stunned faces, blood all over Daz, josh having know idea what to, the police were now blocking off the beach, and the police continued to ask for everyone’s details.
The police wanted statements from Daz, Josh, Jen and I. So we followed them to the police station. Giving a statement wasn’t hard, though the policeman I was with had no idea how to type and actually put my words onto the screen, so it took a lot longer then it should have. As I sat there going through what had just happened, I still couldn’t believe it.
At about 11:30, we were all finished doing our statements. I felt physically sick. We walked out of the station and Robin, Justin, Jordan and Wes were waiting for us. We decided to all meet back at Nunawading maccas.
As we were driving back, all I wanted to do was worship, but every song we had on made it harder to worship because of the lyrics. Josh called his parents, and Daz called his dad. We were all so shocked, all we could do is laugh, and not take it seriously. Daz said” I’m never coming to the beach with you guys again” jokingly. It was hard to take anything seriously.. Still now I find it hard to take it seriously. Mel  Davis called me as soon as we got in the car, I didn’t exactly know what to say.
We walked into maccas, holding onto my phone and my statement. There were some people from stairway sitting inside, Daz knew them. Of course it’s not something you just tell people. So when they asked what we were doing we said  “we were at the beach”. There respose was normal “Oh nice”, Daz just said “yeah you should of come”… I looked at him and said “Goooooood joke” and we were both in laughter. Sitting at the table, all we could do is laugh, which I didn’t think would be a normal response to what had just happened. But its all we could do.
We all headed back to my house were my parents and Josh’s parents were waiting. We walked inside, but we all didn’t exactly know what to say. I got Daz some toothpaste to wash his mouth out. And we headed out to the kitchen again. I didn’t have any words, all I had were pictures running through my head, how quickly everything had happened, and how consumed we were with God, that without thinking we all just acted.

 ABOVE: Chelsea beach taken the first time I got to go back after 30/11/2012

Although it was a terrible , although it was exhausting and something I wish no one to have to experience. That night I believe with my whole heart we were placed on that beach to fight for this boys spirit. God wanted him, and the devil was trying to steal him. All of us were praying over him and for God to have his way. So although we may have gone on an adventure, God had bigger plans and a greater purpose for us. 
I later learnt that this boy was around 17 years old, and his name was Jimmy. He had a family and played soccer. He was just a normal kid, and somehow had drowned that day.
It's funny and weird how God works. Often it's when we least expect or in ways we never realize.
Sometimes we cant feel him, sometimes we can.
Sometimes we don't even know he can move, until we encounter his grace and love.
Sometimes we don't even ask for it, and sometimes He shows us in other people how his power manifests in our souls.
He is there. And He is here.
No matter how this world has convinced you, no matter what disappointment you have faced, no matter the doubt that sinks into your mind. God is there.
That night we were not expecting such an experience. Not many people know this but that night when we were at the police station I got to have a conversation with a girl. She was running, hurt, drunk, probably on drugs and had just been raped by her boyfriend. She had no where to go. Although I only got to talk to her for about 5 minutes, and I was still in shock and didn't want to deal with anything else right now. But my heart poured out for her... I got to listen and to tell her about hope. Although I didn't get to pray with her, I said I would. And although I was a random stranger, she was grateful that I even cared enough to ask if she was ok.
You know God, He never changes, it's us that become so caught up in consuming other things, that it almost becomes impossible for our brain to consider God working and overcoming the impossibles in your life.
No matter how far you feel from God, no matter if you have done the worst of bad things, no matter how broken you may feel,  no matter what circumstances or troubles hold you down, God loves you. He doesn't care about where you have been, what you have done. He doesn't want you just for the good parts of you but all of you.
He wants all of you.
Some may be reading this not knowing who God is. No understanding how someone who has become so unapparent in our world, wants to have a longing relationship with you!
Well, He does.
Just like Jimmy. Even though He may not of known God here on earth. He cared enough to send 4 faithful random friends to pray over him and fight for his spirit. God cares THAT much. And as much as it was a horrible experience, I have never been so in tune with the Holy Spirit, and I'm so very grateful to be apart of Gods amazing plans.
I know for sure, that God is real. He is moving, His power can overcome anything, His love conquers and covers the world, His grace abounds the deepest of oceans, and His heart wants yours.
There has been many occasions in my own life where I have experienced His Love in my life and the Holy Spirit moving through and around me. For some this may sounds crazy, and even to me, it is. I can explain how God works, no one can understand how He works. I just know and believe he does in His own way and timing.
How do I know this?
Because I have a relationship with the living God. Because I believe Jesus gave his life for our/my sins, and I have accepted Jesus in my heart.
Something I struggle to grasp sometimes is the Holy Spirit even though I have had so many encounters. How can we truly believe that we can do the same things Jesus did?
Because He has given us the Holy spirit. It's for us! We just have to trust Him and learn in His love. 
God and the Holy Spirit is something I defiantly cannot put into a sentence. God isn't something we can put in a box. Or something we can comprehend.  Something I often catch myself doing is being caught up in our culture or in my own little world. It's easy to go on with life feeling content. We have everything we need, and have access to anything we could want.. so why stop and sacrifice things in order for God to work?
Well because He will bless us more then we could ever of imagined. In ways we don't think are possible, yet somehow God knows our every being, He knows the way to our hearts.
I don't ask for bad things to happen or to experience hard things. But how can we truly grow, trust and learn in His love without it?  And the more we give to Him the more of His power, strength, love and grace He will pour into our lives.
You may be thinking it's easy for me to say, how come I'm not feeling or experiencing God in the way that you are or say we can? Its true, I've caught myself looking at other peoples personal experiences and blessings, its easy to look at someone else's life and see an abundance of blessings, and not see how many we have. And for all those wondering, it has taken me a long time to trust, rely, see and seek God in the way I do now.
It doesnt just happen. It is a gradual process. It takes relying on God fully in hard times and bad but also in the best of times. It takes me making a way for God in my life and seeking him whole heartedly to fully trust and obey God.
I could of run away on that beach, I could of stepped into the situation and not done anything. I didn't have to pray for this boy, I was never asked to. But when you seek Gods love in your life, He gives you a piece of it. And all you want to do is try the best you can to love His creation. His Children.
My life, well it's a journey, one that has its ups and downs, but one that will always have a true purpose and foundational faith.
Be encouraged to seek God in your own life, to keep trusting in Him and learn in His love. It's the best kind of adventure.

Matthew 7:7
Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Constant world wars.

Hello there. Fellow readers, friends, people or strangers.. whom ever you may be. Hope your life is being blessed and abundantly filled with goodness and grace. And sunshine warms your soul, or the rain cleanses your spirit.

So I really wanted to rant about certain topics and things that have constantly frustrated me over the past few weeks. As it would be pretty easy to. But I feel my frustration with worldly things and complaining about how worldy everyone else is, is me being hypocritical,  because complaining is worldly.  And if it's one thing,  complaining isn't going to make the situations any better.  Or do you or I any good. Plus I know I find myself loving worldly things.. after all we are all human.  But words really do say a lot and mean more then just simple words.
I've come to the conclusion... I can't change anyone elses attitude but my own. I can't change the way someone feels towards me, I can only be me.  And I can either choose to move pass disapointment or dwell on it.
I'm not saying complaining makes anything in your life or mine easier, because it doesn't. I think I'd just prefer to write positively,  instead or wrestling with my bottling thoughts.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like would be like as a book? How many pages it would have so far, the amount of chapters you have had, how far you have come and where life has taken you. The story you have created.and the character that you've become.
The rest of the pages are empty. We don't know what they hold yet. But each decision in our life determines the pages we will have. (Cheesy I know)
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to look back from 10, 20, 30, or 50 years from now. Look how far you have come, what you achieved or done?
I know it can be hard to imagine even 5 years from now. But how wierd is it going to be when we actually get to look back. All the people in your life, all the struggles you would of had, the trials, good times, memories .....everything.

No doubt all the obstacles we are facing now will feel so small, will seem so insignificant. So why is it, that in the moments they seem huge? Like our world is going to end?
When we will realise that trusting in God doesn't mean we then go on worring about our job status, doesn't mean we need to worry about what people think, what to wear, who to impress, where we will go or what we will do. As long as we look to Him, we're all good.
And I know it's easy to say and it sounds all fine and dandy. But how do you know it works, until you fully trust Him and hand over your life?

In a way, Im actually glad we have different chapters, or seasons in our lives. Although sometimes I'd rather fly to the moon then deal with issues here. I guess life would be kinda boring and we wouldn't learn and grow. We wouldn't know how to invest our time, Because it is so short, and soon we will enter God's kingdom. A question I ask myself regularly, and should more often.. Do you have Kingdom values?
Are you living a life full of Christ, and full of His glory?... buliding His kingdom?

For me, there is always more. Always something I need to pray about or change in my timing and make it Gods.
For example, I need to stop being frustrated at other people, and rather change something in my own heart that reflects forgivness and grace to my frustrations.  I want to see everyone who knows God, love him with all their heart. Not give in to the world and be selfish. I don't want to see people emotionally attached to technology, or believe lies about them self.  Fall into tempation or lust. The devil works around your mind, twists and shapes your thinking. Blinds us from the truth.and makes us feel like it should be black and white. Sure somethings are black and white... but a lot of the time in life we have grey areas... choices we get to make. We just to make sure we have the foundation values God has given us in His word.
This doesn't mean we get it right all the time, because we don't. I don't. But we have the reassurance that God still believes and Loves us, so we can continually trust in Him.

And it is hard. Living in two worlds. This one, and His Kingdom. But that's part of the challenge. He has already equiped you and me with the grace, love, passion, strength and power to endure these hardsips. To stand firm in His name, to win the battle of the world wars. I don't k ow about you... but I know I definatly would prefer to know that my hope is secure. That even though this world has it's ups and downs, that His Kingdom will come and all my fears and failures will be lost. And all that is left is His love that I let Him pour through me, the works of His love sown into the hearts around me.
That's all that matters. Why?
Because He has already won.

Romans 12:1-2

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

Peace & love
xx Kath

Thursday 17 July 2014

insignificant significance

Hello my lovely readers, who ever you may be. Hope you life is as good as sunshine and your happiness levels are higher then the clouds.
I haven't blogged in a while, so here I am, typing words to create what seems to be in my mind.
Which sometimes seems quite a lot. Other times, what is on my mind seems insignificant and I find other people much more intriguing, or interesting. But here I am, talking about my own life, or life in general.

The other night, few of us decided to go on a spontaneous beach trip at 9pm.. who knows why? But I have missed going on little adventures. And the beach in general. It is the one place, I feel so peaceful. Maybe it's the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the sand beneath my toes, or the smell of salt in the air. I just love it, defiantly my best happy place. I think it partly keeps me sane. I guess we all have that place don't we? Where time slows down, nothing seems so significant in our life, and worries seem to fade. Because in that moment, you are in serenity. Where your thoughts and dreams are bigger then the bubble we live in, and we question our existence and our purpose. I'm sure you can all relate to those moments.
As we were driving back from the beach, I was looking out the window of the car. Dark as can be outside accept for the street lights, and the lights in the distance that look like stars. My head rested against the window, watching the clouds unfold the brightness of the moon, passing over the light it brings, and beckoning into the darkness again.
It made me think how small I am, how my life is a mere second compared to eternity. That you and I are here, walking the same life yet different journeys. Yes one of those "life moments" I seem to have a lot of. I think we all have them though.

We all desire to be great, do amazing things, travel, learn, grow. Beyond all that we desire to love, and be loved.

I have read so many books, so many articles, so many blogs of people trying to explain in their own words what life is to them, how to be the best you can be, how to live in your faith. Or creative ways to think beyond our box, and step out into something new. It often helps me to change my perspective on certain topics, helps me to understand a different point, but most of all helps me to understand the meaning behind why we are the way we are.. The truth is, we are all broken, we are all going through different things. There are some paths that cross others and some that are fading, and some are holding on to a thread. For now, it's what you have.Of course I have my fair share of relationships that I want to be more developed, left alone, more embraced, changed or have a certain label. We all want to share more with that one person, or wish we had said or done something more. We often regret words that are said, or want to change aspects of our behaviour. It's a human thing, we all want what we can't have. And then when we have it, it doesn't fulfil our deepest of desires, the void we all have  Only Jesus can do that. Often people have this perspective on him, that is very worldly. "Jesus" - the world view of him is different to mine. Some think he is this boring biblical character, others know him as a swear word, some think he is just some dude in history and has no significance now. Well you're all wrong! To me and many, HE is a friend, the best kind. He is my life, my saviour and my ultimate peace maker. I could ramble on about how amazing He is to me, and get all mushy.. but I think you should get to know him. Find out for yourself. It's more exciting that way!

Over the past few years, I have become more comfortable with, me. Who I am here and who most importantly I am in Jesus. I'm a pretty honest person and I'm happy to say how it is. I'm more then happy to be myself, and be bold about my faith and love for Jesus. And if you don't like me for who I am, that's okay, it doesn't matter to me more then it does to you.  Time is a precious thing, and it means a lot to me, being a quality time person. It is also hard to know where that balance is in friendships, deepness and intimacy, when it comes to time and how much of your heart your willing to give away in that time. To anyone, time I'm sure means a lot. Weather it's the moments you lost, never had, or want/need more of. Time is time, and we all seem to want more. I probably say to much sometimes, over write things, you may find this all a big hoohar of nothing, I don't mind. Write your own insignificant significant blog if I frustrate you :)
 We are all working, striving, and growing to be the best person we can be. And I think we can often get caught up in doing that for the wrong reasons, or for world reasons. Do it for Jesus. Cause in His love, you can't fail, you can't go wrong. That doesn't mean everything is going to be perfect or just magically be exactly the way you want it. God gives you the desires of your heart, when they are aligned in His will. We may feel insignificant at times, because in the worlds eyes we are small, but we all make up the bigger picture, and we are significant in God's eyes. And that's all that should truly matter.

Peace readers,
Kath xxx

Thursday 3 July 2014

The constant confusion.

Before you read this.. remember I am a girl, and my brain likes to think through things. And guys- no harm done.. im just saying how it is these days!
And all you couples or married people- you may laugh or have different opinions or thoughts. For now these are mine...
Some simple thoughts on relationships.

When it comes to relationships- I'm no expert. I'm not in one and never have been. But I know there is one thing it comes down to -communication.
The hardest part about starting a relationship, but how easy it becomes to communicate when you start to. Then again some find this easy from the beggining which would be great.

We all doubt ourselves, overthink things, read into things and become emotionally unavailable when we start to have feelings for another person. Sometimes even before we realise we have feelings for them.

I was talking to a friend at work the other day, about dating. How girls (yes most girls) can make it hard for a guy. Or put a lot presure on them. Especially being a follower of Jesus, I can take dating very seriously- and I don't want to date for... the sake of dating. To me dating is marriage- which does reflect a lot of presure on guys these days. Sorry boys.

So what happened to courting?
When did guys get scared of asking a girl on a date, getting to know her?
I know a lot of my guy friends don't do this often. I guess it's good when they do because they are serious- but girls want to feel appriciated, know that they exist. Im not trying to have a sting at the guys, I just know in our culture dating has become harder then it should be.

I have noticed that love language is a big thing and a kry to most friendships or relationships. If you don't know what they are...
1. Physical touch
2. Gifts
3. Acts of service
4. Words of affirmation
5. Quality time

It would be a good thing to learn what each others are. For example- Mine is quality time. Which means I feel most loved if you want to spend time with me. It makes me feel valued and generally loved or liked. I am also words of affirmation- which means I love to write to people or tell them things. Being this also makes it hard for me to speak into peoples life because it means a lot more to me.

Mixed signals, are extremely hard and unfair. And some people dont even realise they are doing it.
One of my best guy mates once told me "If a guy wants to hang out with you, it's generally because he likes you or thinks romantically of you". Which made me question a lot of things. Maybe a little to much...
That week we hung out 3 times.
Now this is a perfect example of mixed emotion. It doesnt make sense in my brain!
I know this guy is a friend- and has a lot of girl friends... so i couldnt read into this a lot. But girls take these things seriously. Be a man and tell her how you feel. Or next time just becareful.
If you're talking to a bunch of girls, try not to lead them on or give them the wrong intentions. It's not attractive! But some of you have no idea you're doing it until its too late.

Leading on. Well we are all guilty of this aren't we?
Recently I have noticed that sometimes you just have no idea. Especially with facebook chat, txt or any other kind of non face-to-face communication. Online chatting can become frustraing and infuriating because there is no emotion attached and our own minds change the way it was initially said.

  Be yourself aswell. There is something good about being different. I think it's what is one of the most attractive qualities... because youre not being fake. It's you and not someone else. And it requires a lot of effort to be someone youre not.
I like to chat about life and all it brings- im not one to have small talk. So when it comes to talking, I am an open book. If you ask me a question I will answer it honestly. But I have learnt I need to be more careful with this. Opening up and letting people know who you are is like giving yourself to them. Though physically you haven't you become emotionally attached without realising.

Praying with someone from the opposite sex is dangerous. Only in the last few years have I realised how spiritually attached you can become to someone when you pray with or for them.
I was chatting to another friend last night, He was saying how he had prayed with another girl... who may have feelings for him. He is unsure of his feelings, but it's one of those things you have to be careful about. I have prayed with him before too, but it is different when you know your intentions. But still becareful with this all your prayers..

My intentions have become to try and treat all the guys in my life like brothers. Of course this isnt the case for everyone, like my dad or my elders... but respect them as if they were my brother.
Ofcourse this fails in some friendships. But we live and learn. Sometimes I think people are worth the fall. Until it happens and you become either hurt, jealous or disapointed.

But if it's one thing I've learnt from the past girls, is to not give yourself away emotionally, physically, or spiritually. But if there is another thing Ive learnt it's.... I have no idea where the line is.
The constant question of "the line". No one knows where it is.. its different for everyone. Because we all have different values and motives.

I don't fully know where I was going with this... but I think it comes down to respect. Respect each other, respect each others future partner. Know where you stand, and don't give people the wrong intentions. Act on your feelings guys but dont give every girl hope. But also- respect yourself,  and as cheesy as it sounds.. protect your heart.
You never know what God has planned for you. Just keep your focus on Him and the rest will play out in this place called life.

Proverbs 19:21

We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God ’s purpose prevails.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Dealing with change before its begun.

Ever had those moments in your life, where you think about almost everything in it, and how it's going to change. It's not going to be the same. and then you think of the time where you will look back at these moments and wish you were still anticipating change, and not going through it! And one day you will look back and realise, it was going to happen anyway.
Well this is happening to me on many levels right now. In a few short months- a lot of things are going to change.
From selling and moving house, the one where I love to live, where I grew up and most memories were created. To my best friend/family possibly moving away for more then a year, to changing church, meeting a new family member, changing jobs, a lot of things are going to change.
And in anticipation, it's hard. I have moments where its exciting, overwhelming, sad, happy, and just sometimes; to much.

As I look around my room now, I find it hard to imagine anyone else having "my room" as their own. It's going to be very different!

Yes, people keep telling me things i already know, like...im lucky to even have a roof over my head, and this new place will be an adventure, its really nice where you're going, you will get used to it.
For me, none of it changes how hard it's going to be to move. Because I simply- don't want to move from my home.

When it comes to my best friend moving away, I knew it would be inevitable. She has had a heart for this place for a long time, and I know its a massive opportunity for her. So im excited for her, I just dont know how Im going to handle life without her! After all she is my twin. I may even miss It when she steals my clothes, because she wont be able to when she is gone.

Changing jobs, Im actually excited to leave this new place im working at. Its horrible! So it's good I know its only for a season. And then ill probably be happier once Ive left there. Sometimes things are only for a season. And they make us stronger!

Changing church. This is one thing I haven't discussed with a lot of people. A few know that Im keen to check out other churches. But God has definatly made it pretty clear. Not only in my attitude towards my church has become quite negative, and I have prayed about. But no one is perfect, no church is perfect.  And I can understand that. I think it goes beyond how I feel, it's me trusting God with where He wants me. And not where im comfortable. Even though Ive experienced dissapointment and lost passion for it-  ive come to realise, I cant change it. I cant stand and be disapointed in something that maybe isnt for me. When I know people are being blessed and grown there. The reality is- Im not. Though I love my community there- its also where I grew up, and where my closest friends are. Its time I follow what God has planned for me, and what He has put on my heart for a while now!
So I will try... and slowly transition for the rest of this year. Ill still be at New Hope for 2014- because as a youth leader I intend to keep my relationships with my amazing youth girls and my commitment to youth. So we will see how that goes. It's going to be hard!

Family is the one thing that keeps me going. My constant love from my heavenly Father. My family here, my parents are great, my sisters are a blessing. Even though some part of our family can be broken and some are more distant then other times, we still try. The only thing we or I can do is try. Try and have a positive attitude when it seems impossible, try to move on without being negative, keep trusting in God and all he has planned. After all- He makes everything work together for my (our) good.

Ways I have learnt to try and have a positive attitude in the midst of change....

1. Take smaller steps.
Its amazing how easy change comes when you take smaller steps. And believe it or not, these changes I have mentioned earlier are small steps in my journey.. so I need to take one at a time.

2. Remember every adventure is a journey.
I need to continue to reflect and keep on track in the times where you feel like your journey has no peace, or where you need to take smaller steps. Sometimes I have to catch myself before taking bigger steps.

3. I have to have the heart of an adventurer.
If God has called us forward into something new, then all will be well.

4. Dont look around- look at God. Have a confident expectation that God will work together for my good.

5. Deal with negativity and doubt. Praying through difficult situations and hardships, and giving them to God.

6. Feed your faith, starve your doubt.
Keep trusting in jesus knowing that He is all powerful and my steps in obeying him are going to go far beyond my expectations.

7. One small step opens countless opportunities in life.
God is big on promise and low on detail.
We just have to take the step.
The fruit of your obediance is always bigger then what you think.
There is always someone waiting on the other side. In your obedience to God- someone will be blessed.

8. Forgive like Christ has forgiven you. Relationships are our greatest blessings, but greatest challenge.
Feelings can disapear, communication can  break down, or we can be hurt.
Things happen in relationships but they can be overcome by the grace of God. Its not gonna happen just by prayer. You have to take a small step to reconciliation.  Its no good pretending everythings okay, when its not.

9. Take responsibility.
If the world is tough, it overflows into your relationships.

10. Trust God.
Remembering to constantly handing him all my frustration, worry and hurt. And trusting him with my life, after all it's His. Not mine!

This morning as I sat in church, I got all these.. 1-10 ways to rely on Him. It made menreflect over all parts of my life and how they seem messy. But all I need to do is rest in Him. It was exactly what I needed. It's funny the way God speaks to us.
As we sung Glorious ruins by Hillsong I woshiped my little heart out. its my prayer for now.

Lyrics: " As the mountains fall, and the tempest roar You are with me. When creation folds Still my soul will sing of your mercy.
Ill walk through the fire, with my head lifted high. And my spirit revived in your story. And ill look to the cross as my failure is lost, in the light of your glorious grace. Let the ruins come to life, in the glory of your name, rising up from the ashes, God forever you'll reign.
And my soul will find refuge, in the shadow of your wings, I will love you forever, and forever ill sing.
When the world caves in, still my hope will cling to your promise. Where my courage ends, let my heart find strength in your presence".

Peace readers.

Monday 23 June 2014

Just as the sun brings life to the world, God will bring life unto me.

Have you ever woken up not wanting to start your day? You're still under your doona, and its the best place on earth. Why would anyone want to start the day when your consumed by cosiness? 
This is my constant battle.....every morning. (Especially now I'm working full time). I'm defiantly not a morning person!
In that moment, I think of all the things my day will involve, from beginning to end. All the things I have to do, the people I will see and the time it will take, and when ill be back in my bed again... ready to start the day again. And then I think of how many more minutes I can enjoy not doing all those things.
I'm sure most of you can agree or relate somehow! Life is hard or it can be. Facing tough situations isn't easy and not everyone can't make you happy. The world cannot make you happy! we are constantly searching for more. Weather you know it or not.

This morning wasn't different, I lay there doing exactly this. Overthinking. It's probably a girl thing, or just a normal human thing. Maybe girls can just admit it more! Anyway...  I started to think about the sun, and all its goodness!  It makes morning, creates our light and a whole new day. Everyday the sun rises, yes we all know that..
I guess a lot of the time we don't see it because its up before we are. Or we want it to stay still so we can sleep just a little bit longer. But it still somehow seems to creep through my curtains and onto my face.
There have been times on the rare occasion where I have gotten up to watch the sunrise. If you have ever done this you know exactly what I'm talking about when I say it's so incredibly peaceful. There is something special about it. As the edge of the sun, touches the face of the earth, the colours in the sky change, the birds sing and awaken, and the crisp air that fills my lungs makes me feel so content.
I remember the feeling of serenity and peace. And having no doubt in my mind that God is here.

It makes me think of the promises God has for us...
  Hosea 6:3 "As surely as the sun rises, He will appear. He will come to us".
God is here, He is alive, and just as the sun rises, He will come to us.
This makes my day feel a whole lot better. Why? Just because I have Jesus.
I couldn't imagine life without him.
For me- A life without a Jesus, is like a life without sun.
The sun plays an important part in life. Of course we all need our little dose of vitamin D. But the Sun brings life.. the earth without the sun, wouldn't be able to survive!
Like this, I or all of us cannot survive without God. Without Jesus.
Its my personal relationship with Him that I know He is here. I know He has my heart. Even when I'm constantly overthinking things, or when I am weak. I know that He is God. And that's all that ever seems to truly matter. The best thing is, is that I have peace when I need it most. In those times, when I can no longer do it by myself, when I don't want to get out of bed and face the day....
John 16:33 "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you, not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled nor let it be fearful".....
I have peace knowing the God of the universe knows my heart, and has gone before me.
So before I get out of bed, I give my day to God. I let him in, He brings me life, He brings me joy. And even though sometimes life brings heart ache, even though life brings troubles, weakness, sadness, and hurt. My God, our God, has already overcome that!
 John 16:33 (continued) "...I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this world you have troubles. But take heart, I have overcome the world".
This is probably my favourite bible verse.
Knowing that a God has overcome everything, and I no longer have to worry about anything. For me its not about what God can do for me, although sometimes we all fall short of his glory. Its more about what I can do for God. After all He gave it all, a He gave everything for me.
This is one of those times where I watched the sunrise. I was on coffee shop down in Port Fairy. I remember waking up. Ebony, Jack and Sam all came down with me. We walked 1.5kms to the lighthouse where the sun was just coming up over the horizon.
So in conclusion.. I will try,  to start my day consumed by Gods grace. By His presence and promises. Trusting that He has already overcome all the trials and disappointments in my life.
"Just as the sun brings life to the world,  God will bring life unto me"- Katherine Gerrand.
Peace readers! Hope your life is full of sunshine :)

Wednesday 18 June 2014

calling amongst money.

Hello friends & blog readers.

My first thought that has been in my mind the last few weeks is money. sounds silly hey? But when you live in todays culture, you can understand. I think to all extremes... how little I can end up or seem to be earning, where my money goes, what I need with my money, where I should put my money, what my money can get me, how much my money can get me, and how much I can satisfy myself with the money I have. We are all selfish when it comes to money. And honestly- how ridiculous is it? How our world revolves around it, and how we have to have it, in order to survive. Most people love money, I have to admit- I do love it. Only because it can get me things, and keep me in a balanced place. But I also have this hate for it- you could understand. How much more money we tend to want, when we actually have more or need more. It's un deniable. This world revolves around money. And it's annoying as heck.

I'm okay to admit- I have recently found myself having less of it, with bills having to be payed, and the amount of work I wasn't getting was kicking my bank account in the butt.Im sure some of you can relate. Going from working 4 days a week, to working only one shift a week was hard. But I know God provides. He always does!100% if you trust in Him!

  Before you get to antsy about reading this (cause it's such a tough and touchy subject for some) You may disagree and agree, who knows. But know that I mean no harm done.

So I  was earning less, and I was trying to spend less. But things add up and  in this world you need things, like toiletries, food, petrol, things like birthday presents and pay bills, and car rego. (Not so fun for all those Part time workers). Some of us are lucky, some work full time, and some of us are either studying or in between jobs. Weather we like it or not- we all need money to live and get by in our culture. Our economy is like a constant vacuum cleaner.

A story about how God provides in ways we may not expect ...
Summer 2012 was coming up,  the job I had was at a café 4 days a week. It was good to be earning a decent amount. Soon the café was slowing- so sooner then later they we cutting every one's shifts, which lead to having no shifts at all. I only had a few photography jobs coming up over summer. Which I could maybe scrape through... if I kept to a tight budget.
Next thing I knew- my camera broke- my only income for the next 2 months.
I didn't know what to do, I prayed, and trusted that God would provide (well tried to). I got my small group (at the time) to pray and all I could do was worry and wait. I was lucky my camera had one month left of warranty- so I sent it off to be fixed. Though they said it could take up to 2 months to be fixed. Of course, I panicked. But it wasn't the end of the world. God had bigger things planned...
the start of December I went away on a young adults camp with church. Of course I stayed with my small group. My awesome small group.
At the end of the amazing weekend, my small group got together and gave me 600 dollars they had all put in together. WOW- what a blessings, that was the most money I have ever been given. And at a point where I had nothing- some how I had everything. I had the Love of Jesus... and 600 dollars haha
It couldn't get me close to a camera, but it was a start- and I am so very thankful to this day to them all! So knowing that it couldn't get me a camera, I decided it was going to be put towards it of course. So I put it away. About a week later an old friend who was a photographer wrote a post saying how she was selling an old 5D camera and that if you were interested- to message her.. Expecting the price to be around 1,500 dollars- I thought Id just ask..
She got back to me within the minute saying that she was selling it for 600 dollars.
I was mind blown- but at the same time- why should I be?
That week- I picked up my camera, and I was able to do my photography jobs over summer. God provided in ways I never would of thought. At the same time, the people in my small group were encouraged. And I was grateful. I have no doubt that God provides. It's just in ways we least expect.

Some of you may be thinking- But I don't have a small group, or people who will just hand me money? You know what- I didn't think I did, until it happened. Yes I was fortunate and very lucky, it was Gods way of providing forme. But it doesn't mean He doesn't have a way of providing for you.

I have seen God do some amazing things in my bank account, with my work and wherever he leads me. I can get down to the last dollar in my account, and I will still have faith that God will provide- He always does.
And yes I'm not saying that we have to work hard for our money- sometimes we have to work really hard for our money- but that being said I am also certain that God will be a constant support and provider if you let him.

It says in the bible- Money is basically the only thing we can really test God with.
Malachi 3:10-12
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test! 11 Your crops will be abundant, for I will guard them from insects and disease.[a] Your grapes will not fall from the vine before they are ripe,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. 12 “Then all nations will call you blessed, for your land will be such a delight,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.
I believe God doesn't want our life to revolve around money- HE wants us to give our finances to Him. This doesn't mean physically handing our money over to the church, it means living a life full of Christ and not relying on money to be your constant saviour. Because we all know- no matter how many new things we buy- we are always going to be wanting something... New.

Although our life will always involve money, it doesn't have to revolve around it.

Now working two jobs, one of which I really don't like- I need to save, I need to live- so sometimes we have to put up with a little hard work, and a little tough love in order to earn a living. Honestly- money is the only reason why I am there.  But it can only go up. Instead of complaining, I should just change my perspective. I guess we all don't like working, some of us do- for example I LOVE doing photography, and one day I do hope I can do that full time, but for now, I'm still working my way up- so I have to keep going with the now, so I can have the later... And I have noticed God defiantly places you somewhere for a reason. Although I hate my job, I have found that giving my day to God changes my heart. Instead of going there with a mind set of " lets just get through this day" I got there with the mind set of "Lets grow the kingdom". I have seen a radical change in my relationships and my attitude towards work.
There is a lady- Inette. She is 75, (though she doesn't even look close to it) still working a few hours a day in this café I am at. Although some people aren't the nicest at work, and she and I get a few negative words. Inette and I like each other. Since our little "You're nice so I like you" bonding sesh, I have found out a few things about her.
She is from Holland, one of 10 kids. She is one of only two left out of her siblings, she lost 8 of them to lung cancer because they all smoked. She didn't. She goes to church every Sunday, and she has a carer that comes and does physio with her every week. She loves working still. ( I think it keeps her moving and going) she has a really nice smile. And we like each other. Why? well, because we are nice haha
Inette lost her husband of 43 years a month ago. She told me, and I wanted to cry.
There is another lady at work, she can be lovely, but in some cases I guess she chooses not to be. She is obviously broken ( as we all are), she doesn't have the patients for Inette, maybe because Inette is a little old, and likes to talk about her life. But considering she has no one to talk to anymore- of course she want to come to work and talk- or want a friend. Not even that- she probably just wants someone to listen to. And Im happy to listen. I like Inette.

I guess my point is- it doesn't matter where you are, I have realised over and over again, is that your calling is bigger then the money you earn at your job, or the worldly reason why you are there. Our calling is for relationship. Not just to love other people, but to have a constant relationship with Christ. To grow his kingdom and share the love He has for me, with as many people as possible. I may not want to be at this job, but there is a season for everything. So right now- I am giving all my seasons to God, because His hand and feet work far beyond mine. And His calling, is bigger then my own.
Instead of focusing on the way I can be impacted, I have to think of the ways I can impact others in the setting I am in. And be thankful that even though I may not like something, that God can change my heart. He can change yours too. If you let him! In the end, we cant take our bank accounts of material things when we die, but we can grow His kingdom, and continue in His love story.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Hug them a little more.

 Isn't it funny that when you lose someone, or something, your world changes. Your heart changes, and you suddenly feel like something you had is missing. It's hard to describe, but when you lose something, you can almost feel lost yourself. Sometimes loosing someone doesn't take long to sink in, other times our hearts refuse to allow the truth to become real. We'd rather not accept that they are gone, or that you will never see them again.
I'm sure we have all lost something or someone weather it be a friend, family member, a child or a loved pet. It still hurts no matter what. It doesn't change the pain of losing them. And it doesn't change reality, no matter how often we expect them to walk in the door, or for them to magically show up in our lives again. We wish to see them just one more time. Or have one more moment.

 I guess in this world, we try so hard to hold onto the things and people we have, we can forget that in that moment- it could be your last, their last. What would you say or do differently if you knew it was the last moment you were to ever see that someone again.
There are always parts of my life I would change. I'm sure there are moments in anyone's life they would change. But we can't! The past is the past, and life just seems to go on.
Maybe I would speak my mind a little more, tell that person how I really feel, hug just a little bit longer, and love a little more. Be less selfish and more selfless.
But It shouldn't take losing someone to realise this, we should always love beyond our capability.
And this makes me think, How often do we take people for granted?
How often do we push people around, and not speak words of life into someone, when we have the chance.
The people around you have been placed there for a reason, instead of seeking love & acceptance from all of them, maybe you have been placed in their life to love and accept them.

And this doesn't help the pain of losing someone, I guess we all fear things like death, losing someone, and not being here, or the things we will miss out on. We don't know why bad things happen, or people die unexpectedly. We can't change what is going to happen, but we can change our perspective and our attitude when it does. Even though that can seem impossible, Gods grace can change ANYTHING!  We cling onto the hope that God gives us, the love that he offers, and the peace he restores in our hearts when fear becomes painfully enduring. Sometimes it is all we have, sometimes its all we can see in the darkness. God.

When it comes to losing someone, I find the memories flood my mind  When I think of the , the good times, the bad, but the first thing that comes to mind every time, with out a doubt, is the last time I saw them. The last time I will ever see them. The goodbye you had, or didn't have, their smile and their hugs, and the love you felt for them comes back to the surface, and as tears well up in your eyes, you know that hey meant more to you in this life then they will ever know.
 I guess it's part of letting go, but no matter what I will still hold onto hope. Still remember who they were to you and who you were to them. The difference they made in your life, and who you would be without them.

Loss is a painful thing. So my challenge to you, who ever you may be, is to Live a life full of love, laughter and no regrets. Live each moment as it comes, but don't take anyone or the time you have left for granted. Don't hesitate to go beyond the line, and live your dreams.

Not that I have lost anyone recently, it's always a good reminder to love the people around you.
This photo gives you some perspective of what I'm trying to say, no matter who you are, Love a little more, appreciate people more, & always HUG a little more.

Peace, Kath

Saturday 24 May 2014


Another blog about the things streaming through my brain. Feel free to either read on or not to. I honestly don't care!
What a few weeks it has been. Mixed signals, and emotions, hard work, plenty of rest, different and weird times, and a bigger hope for the future. My future.
I have been on a few adventures, past times, decision making, and realising who and what matters and little things in my world keep on changing... nether the less, my brain seems to go on overload mode after a little while.
You know what I miss? My family. The one I grew up knowing. The one that seemed so perfect, so loving, and so normal. I have realised though, that no one is perfect, no family is perfect. and weather we like it or not sometimes people can walk away from love. And in response, sometimes we have to watch them take every step. Maybe we have different paths after all.
Growing up everything seemed happier, and everyone seemed to get along better. Maybe that was the child me being completely oblivious to the real world. But then again, people change, grow and get older. We learn new things about the people we have in our lives, and realise those ones who found it so easy to walk out were maybe only meant for a season, or a small chapter. But despite that- they make us who we are now.
Have you ever had someone walk out of your life? Someone you loved, someone who you thought you would never lose, someone who was always there, and now you're unsure that they might not be again. Recently- this happened. And I'm still trying to work my head around it. I don't understand completely, because I'm not the kind of person who will ever choose to walk out of someone's life. I'm not saying I haven't before- sometimes we need to realise the people who are going to make us, or break us. But it is hard when the chapter ends, or the season changes, and certain people are no longer in your life. To walk away from love- any kind of love- is hard, and heart breaking. Soon they become non-existent, someone you no longer know, you forget to worry, they become a picture or memory in your head, and somehow things will never be the same.
I know this sounds like such a depressing post haha! and you know- you're right!  (but just keep reading)
Sometimes things aren't the same. There is only one love that doesn't fade, walk away from you, walk away from your relationship, and walk away from hope.
My God. My loving, everlasting, strong, dependant and hopeful God. And despite all those things that hurt, betray, disappoint, leave and beckon you into sin. God does the opposite. He acts in kindness, gives complete and humble strength, loves beyond this world, and gracefully gives you peace. In the hard times, I often have to remind myself, even though things aren't as well as they should be- It is well within my soul, because I know the God of the universe. And in those times of weakness, in those times of disappointment, and when I have no idea which path I should be taking, He whispers to me " I am BIGGER"! and suddenly, all my worries, all my fears and my doubts sink beneath me, my heart starts to sing and my lungs start to breathe.
My heart is no longer feeling empty, my soul knows her creator and life seems so small. Nothing matters, and in this silence I hear my friend calling and beckoning me into His direction.
When time's get tough, when people walk away- instead of running away yourself, humble your heart and place your worries and fears at the feet of Jesus. Because weather you know it or not- He already has them. He is just waiting for us to accept it, accept His love.
All of a sudden, it doesn't matter. All of the hurt, that pain, which direction or path I should take, those people who walk out of your life, the love tat was lost, or the home that was gone. the only thing that matters is God, and my salvation, peace and sufficiency and passionate LOVE that he has for me. He can take away my burdens, my sorrow, and all of my confliction with this world, and take me to a place where nothing but His kingdom matters.
Thank-you Jesus for the restoration of my soul, and the perfect peace you constantly give.
Even though things change, love is lost, and people are no longer an important part of your life. It is good to remember these promises, to thank God for all the times you did have. Because now- it's a new season, a new chapter, and God is shaping your heart. I have hope for my future and yours. Get ready to embrace LIFE and life at it's fullest!

Tuesday 6 May 2014

We can hide in the darkness, or we can stand in the light.

Ever have one of those moments in life where nothing makes sense?
Everything leading up to this point has, but now your stuck, confused and uncertain of where to go.
I'm sure this is a cycle after change. whatever the change may be.
For me, I knew this year would be a season of change. Little did I know that my whole world felt like it was changing. Then again, it could be me. What I expected this year to be, and how different reality can be to your minds perception. I think our natural instinct has humans, is to hope. Hope for the best possible outcome, the best possible way, for the next problem to be resolved, and for life to go on.
well sometimes, only one of those things happen one hundred precent of the time.
 .Life goes on.
No matter what changes may occur in your life, the uncertainty you may feel now. The loss's you had. The things you had to learn or are learning to let go of, the past you try and forget, the pain that is hiding beneath your smile, and feeling like no one understands, somehow we still have hope.
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
We may not know what lays ahead on this path we call life. I have no idea what's around the corner. this year has been completely different to what I had thought. But life does in fact go on. We can hide in the darkness, or we can stand in the light.
]In this case, god is my light, and as easy as it has been to forget He is always there, I confide in Him.

Peace readers.

Monday 14 April 2014

"I have overcome"

Hey, so I'm having one of those 'Need to blog moments" If you're a blogger you will understand, or if you like to questioning things, vent, think radically on life, think or simply write things down- you will understand. Which would probably be most of us.

I don't really know where I was going to begin with this blog. It's hard to think of something interesting enough, but I realised even if you give up half way through, or find this boring- I don't care. So if you would like to continue... please :)

Well it's April- what the heck. Last time I felt like I blinked it was New Years. It's funny how time just keeps going, life just keeps going, (sorry for pointing out the obvious)
One thing that really made me realise this recently was a death I had heard of. And I know death has the tendency to make us think "YOLO, or live the best life- cause you only get one, or Tomorrow may never come" Yes, all those things come rushing to our human heads when we think of death. Which I'm guessing is normal..And honestly- We're all going to have to face it weather we like it or not.

Anyway, it was a death that effected some of my family. (Not to many details) This man Had 3 young Children all under the age of 3, and a beautiful wife. He died about a year after being diagnosed with cancer. A man of good faith. A sad passing, that has effected many people.
What I'm trying to get at here is not death it's self, but the life we have to live. I guess I made me realise that no matter where you are in life, if you have the best job, if you have that girlfriend you always dreamed of, you just bought that new car, or if you simply got through the week without doubting yourself. It's the relationships that count. The people we may one day leave behind, or the people we have seen move on. We are ultimately created for relationship. Yet we become so caught up in the things we have, or the things we don't have.
-John 15:16-
I chose YOU, I wanted YOU, I appointed YOU. I set you where you are.

Speaking of I met up with  a few older friends a few weeks ago, it was good to see them after a few years.. They went on about jobs, the new bands, celebrities, and life outside their own bubble...As I sat there wondering what they were living for, what they strived to get out of this life, how they could sit there talking about everyone else's relationships or faults... it got me realising. I don't want to do that. Though its not wrong, in fact its normal, I couldn't see what they were trying to achieve- making their lives seem better by bragging out others, or becoming so absorbed in the world that they don't realise what they're searching for.

(Going completely onto another subject but ill wrap it up I promise)

One thing that I have also learnt about is that our Souls and Spirits are different. Often I thought of them being the same. and in a way they are- but our Spirit is the living thing that God created for Him to dwell in, for us to be wholly pure. Our soul is the part that's us?  the good, the bad, the damaged, broken, loved us. And our Body/Mind, where we fall, fail, face the day, or become weak at the knees. Often I found myself looking at only my Physical and mental state, it's so easy to not realise or forget with what the world tells us or feeds us that the Spirit doesn't exist. Well, it sure does.

Exodus 14:14
The Lord will fight for you, you need only to BE STILL.

What I'm getting at here is that we are all searching, for that deep love, Our spirit is searching for something the world can't give us. That no boy/girl, no drug, no materialistic, or possession can give us, we are all searching for that deeper relationship with God alone.
John 14:8
If God is all you have, you have all you need.

Now ask yourself honestly...When I mentioned death before- Did it scare you? To think that maybe you wont have tomorrow, Maybe it brought up someone you know that is ill or has passed recently, or maybe that you could just die. (sorry for the honesty)
You know, I think we can all get a bit teary, a little queasy thinking of it. But you know one thing?
If you can only see one thing- that Jesus already paid the price for ALL our sin, that He overcame the world. He has a plan for your life, and that deeper love you have been searching for can be filled with the love God has for you. Death may not look as gloomy, your life may start to feel like it has a purpose, and you wont be living for nothing.

I know that's how I feel, finding that pure and honest love that no one, not even my own conscious can take away, because He is in me. and He has overcome the world.

John 16:33
Take heart, for I have overcome the world.
Do me a favour- listen to this song. Not only is it amazing but I promise the lyrics are God sent. He will fight for you.
Peace readers,