Happy reading:)

Sunday 3 August 2014

Constant world wars.

Hello there. Fellow readers, friends, people or strangers.. whom ever you may be. Hope your life is being blessed and abundantly filled with goodness and grace. And sunshine warms your soul, or the rain cleanses your spirit.

So I really wanted to rant about certain topics and things that have constantly frustrated me over the past few weeks. As it would be pretty easy to. But I feel my frustration with worldly things and complaining about how worldy everyone else is, is me being hypocritical,  because complaining is worldly.  And if it's one thing,  complaining isn't going to make the situations any better.  Or do you or I any good. Plus I know I find myself loving worldly things.. after all we are all human.  But words really do say a lot and mean more then just simple words.
I've come to the conclusion... I can't change anyone elses attitude but my own. I can't change the way someone feels towards me, I can only be me.  And I can either choose to move pass disapointment or dwell on it.
I'm not saying complaining makes anything in your life or mine easier, because it doesn't. I think I'd just prefer to write positively,  instead or wrestling with my bottling thoughts.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like would be like as a book? How many pages it would have so far, the amount of chapters you have had, how far you have come and where life has taken you. The story you have created.and the character that you've become.
The rest of the pages are empty. We don't know what they hold yet. But each decision in our life determines the pages we will have. (Cheesy I know)
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to look back from 10, 20, 30, or 50 years from now. Look how far you have come, what you achieved or done?
I know it can be hard to imagine even 5 years from now. But how wierd is it going to be when we actually get to look back. All the people in your life, all the struggles you would of had, the trials, good times, memories .....everything.

No doubt all the obstacles we are facing now will feel so small, will seem so insignificant. So why is it, that in the moments they seem huge? Like our world is going to end?
When we will realise that trusting in God doesn't mean we then go on worring about our job status, doesn't mean we need to worry about what people think, what to wear, who to impress, where we will go or what we will do. As long as we look to Him, we're all good.
And I know it's easy to say and it sounds all fine and dandy. But how do you know it works, until you fully trust Him and hand over your life?

In a way, Im actually glad we have different chapters, or seasons in our lives. Although sometimes I'd rather fly to the moon then deal with issues here. I guess life would be kinda boring and we wouldn't learn and grow. We wouldn't know how to invest our time, Because it is so short, and soon we will enter God's kingdom. A question I ask myself regularly, and should more often.. Do you have Kingdom values?
Are you living a life full of Christ, and full of His glory?... buliding His kingdom?

For me, there is always more. Always something I need to pray about or change in my timing and make it Gods.
For example, I need to stop being frustrated at other people, and rather change something in my own heart that reflects forgivness and grace to my frustrations.  I want to see everyone who knows God, love him with all their heart. Not give in to the world and be selfish. I don't want to see people emotionally attached to technology, or believe lies about them self.  Fall into tempation or lust. The devil works around your mind, twists and shapes your thinking. Blinds us from the truth.and makes us feel like it should be black and white. Sure somethings are black and white... but a lot of the time in life we have grey areas... choices we get to make. We just to make sure we have the foundation values God has given us in His word.
This doesn't mean we get it right all the time, because we don't. I don't. But we have the reassurance that God still believes and Loves us, so we can continually trust in Him.

And it is hard. Living in two worlds. This one, and His Kingdom. But that's part of the challenge. He has already equiped you and me with the grace, love, passion, strength and power to endure these hardsips. To stand firm in His name, to win the battle of the world wars. I don't k ow about you... but I know I definatly would prefer to know that my hope is secure. That even though this world has it's ups and downs, that His Kingdom will come and all my fears and failures will be lost. And all that is left is His love that I let Him pour through me, the works of His love sown into the hearts around me.
That's all that matters. Why?
Because He has already won.

Romans 12:1-2

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

Peace & love
xx Kath

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