Happy reading:)

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Life is funny.

Isnt it just?
Do you ever have those days where you want to run. Run from everyone, everything and just get lost. Maybe because youre tired of your job, maybe because you need to get out. Me- I want to not be stuck. I dont want to be comfortable, or constantly trying to achieve happiness in all the things I constantly do for people, or all the things I am constantly doing to achieve other peoples happiness.
It sounds selfish, and yes- maybe today I am. But sometimes I think we have to be, in order to keep sane. So yes- today I want to run. By run, I mean take a break...step back... get a different perspective.
I have to admit, I havent been entirely happy for the past couple of weeks. Life isnt perfect. I cant complain, I guess I just feel a little un appriciated in certain relationships and some things I do these days. (And thats okay, I know sometimes I de-value friendships, life, or the things people do for me. So to all of my friends and family out there- I truely am blessed by you sorry if I havent mentioned that to you in a while)
Change- can be the cause of confusion, or an uncertainty in my life. Though it hasnt changed suddenly this year is slowly catching up to me.  Realising that this year is different, I may not see some people as much, I can and do take on different responsibilities.  The people around me are changing. And when I try my best to please and make my life with a cherry on top.... its not always what I get.
So- what do I do?
I keep walking in faith. Knowing and trusting that even though I have no idea where I am going, no odea of what is to come, no idea when I will be disapointed, no idea about the true happiness that is to come.. I trust in Jesus. The light of my path, and the one that guides my heart.
I recently got a tattoo which symbolized this. Faith, on the inside of my left foot. I am walking in faith.... where ever He will lead me. Even though I face trials and temptations, I may not feel worthy in the worlds eyes- I am in Gods.
So yes, I am going to run. Run into Gods arms. Where perfect peace and glorious grace will overcome my worst fears. Amen to that!

Peace out readers.

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