Happy reading:)

Tuesday, 26 May 2015


Hello again from Japan, Yokohama.
9th day over here. Feeling it a little, but excited that today was our first day of outreach!

 Yesterday praying for Yokohama with the team. Yesterday was awesome. Some snips of it click this link: https://m.youtube.com/watchfeature=youtu.be&v=UexJtvy59hY

 This morning we heard from a local church in Yokohama.  We heard testimonies from the young adults who had given their lives to God, and found the love of Jesus in their own lives. So awesome!
From worship and prayer and hearing from the locals, we were so encouraged.
 We then went out and evangelised on the streets of Yokohama. With music, dance and a team that just want to let this culture know how much they are valued in the eyes of their creator!
This was our team of people who were doing ministry. We had lunch together before we went out.  Andrea on the far side of the table was our translator. She has been loving in Japan for the last 30 years, so knows the language and culture extremely well. Which came in handy!

 We handed out flyers for the joy festival, and gave out these newspapers that share Japanese testimonies of them finding their faith here, and hope in God.

 This is Sarah. She is from Texas, one of the most friendly people I have met. Full of joy, humility and wisdom beyond her years!

With our smaller teams we went around surveying people about what they think Love is. This was an awesome outreach and reason to go up and chat to the people on the streets of Yokohama.
I have found it difficult to communicate with the Japanese over here.. but it was awesome having Andrea on our ministry team.
There was a girl filming the worship some of the team were playing. I went to give her a wristband and our flyer which basically describes the gospel in 4 points, which is also on the wristband. It amazed me how open she was about hearing the love of God and she let me pray for her as Andrea translated. It is awesome to be able to learn how to evangelise to different people here and meet them where they are at. So I am thankful for the people like Andrea to learn from her experiences and knowledge of this culture in Japan.

 This is Laura. She is from Canada! She is 19, and full of fun :) have loved getting to know her so far!

 Chris chatting to the locals.
 Andrea wrtting "love is" in Japanese.

 Woship on the streets of Yokohama with the team.

Some of the ministry team out and about.

Was an awesome, fun and quite an eventful day here. Awesome team building and letting God work through us.

We then had dinner at this Japanese place. So yum! And some lanterns are always necessary!

After dinner there was a media workshop. That wasn't compulsory, but an extra part of shine that we can go to.  We heard from ta film maker that works for Hillsong, London. And His brother who is a director at Pixar. Was awesome to hear more about their work, and story telling through media, to reach the people around us. 

Anyway, was another massive day. Need some rest for tomorrow. Keep praying that we have energy and that God will continue to show His love through us over here. I think that is all for now. 

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