Happy reading:)

Wednesday, 20 May 2015


Melbourne.... THE SUN STILL EXISTS. it's okay!
Yes we have had a beautiful sunny 25 degree day here in Japan. So amazing to feel some sunshine on our skin.  

Today Jess and I started the day with Prayer. We both woke up feeling pretty sore after our second night on the floor... and our day of walking yesterday. Pretty small room we are in! God told me to read James 5:10. Which was pretty fitting to our circumstances. 
James 5:10-11

Take the old prophets as your mentors. They put up with anything, went through everything, and never once quit, all the time honoring God. What a gift life is to those who stay the course! You’ve heard, of course, of Job’s staying power, and you know how God brought it all together for him at the end. That’s because God cares, cares right down to the last detail.

Makes us think how lucky we are. And to go through things with God by our side. We should continually honour him throughout every season. No matter how sore we are! 

This is the view from our floor in the hotel we are at. 

Today's adventures. 

Last night we planned what we were going to be doing today. We decided to stick local! So in the morning we went to the Yokohama (Docklands) area... as we like to call it!  We did manage to find a more normal breakfast today! Yoghurt... yum!! 

We then got to explore a ship called 'NYK HIKAWAMARU' Built in 1930. 
We paid 300YEN to get aboard. Which is around 3.50 Australian. It was filled with old school rooms and it's original furniture. It almost felt like exploring the titanic.  Except smaller. Not that I've done that... but you get the idea! 
 Before we went aboard. An Asian peace sign photo is in order.
 Jess looking out of the ship window.
 This was on the 'first class deck' we felt posh.
 All aboard.
 The view from where the ship is permanently docked.
 Out one of the ship windows.
 Jess walking into 'The captains room'
In the engine room.

After exploring the ship and reading historic things, we then walked to Red Brick Warehouse. Which is known for it's shopping and restraunts. It used to be an old customs building. 

A few shots of the Red Brick Warehouse, in Yokohama. 

After shopping and having a drink we then caught a train to TOKYO the capital here in Japan. We went to a place called Shibuya.. which is the shopping district of Tokyo. It was incredibly busy. Full of people, shops and colours. 

 Shibuya crossing in Tokyo

Shopping capital of Japan. 

We the found this under ground place for lunch. Which was worth travelling to Tokyo for. It craps all over Melbourne Japanese food. Its SO AMAZING! 
We also got to watch them make it. We ordered whiskey and soda, and Jess had this Japanese Sake -which tasted like straight vodka. So we didn't finish that one! 

We were pretty overwhelmed with Shibuya. But it was awesome to see it. Would be good to see the crossing at night. So we plan on going back there with the others when they get  here. 

We then headed back on the train to Yokohama where we are staying. And man, Japanese trains get packed full... and it wasn't even peak hour. Crazy!
Jess and I have managed to get used to this insane public transport and lucky found it easy enough to get around. Thank God!! 

Another mention... Jess's quote of the day was "I ate my lunch with a knife and fork and it felt weird". 
Just shows how pro we have become at using chopsticks here. 

We also started counting the amount of white people we see. Cause there isn't many... it's a little "spotto" game Jess and I have going. Today we spotted 25! Yesterday was 6! 

Until Next time friends! 

Kath xx

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