Happy reading:)

Sunday, 31 May 2015

JAPAN Day 14

Hey all who are keeping up with my blogs while I am here in Japan land.
Super wrecked so I am gonna make it a quick one hopefully.

This morning we tried to sleep in. Didn't exactly work as the sun is up before it should be! Jess and i just did some washing, had breakfast in China Town and debriefed about the amazing week we had. Has been good to chat things out and pray about things with her and the others this week!

 Took a photo this morning. Basically all the side streets around where we are staying look like this. Almost everyone owns a bike, and uses public transport. Loved the yellowness

 Meow kitty. This man was sitting with the cat for ages before I took this. Just having a good time with good old catten.

 Jess, Pam, Sarah, Dayne and I headed to a church in Shinjuku.
 Amazing architecture along the way. The building on the right is called the "cacoon building"

 We did get lost trying to find the church. Walked circles for a while...
 But we eventually found it. The church is called "Shalom church".
 Had awesome worship time! It was all in Japanese, but they had little radios for us to listen to a translator.
 We then headed out for dinner, had an awesome feed. Amazing how much you can get for 400 yen. (Around 4 bucks) plus Daynes face here is classic!

 Walking back through Shinjuku. I headed back with Pam on the train to where we were staying. Jess stayed at the extra service the church was having tonight.
Shinjuku is another massive city, in the city of Tokyo. Full of high buildings and so much colour and thousands of people!

Pam and I had a great time, and made it back safe and sound and with no dramas getting lost which is a bonus. Love that Pam Jam!

Ended up on the roof again tonight with Jacob, sharing testimonies over sake. Which I loved. was really awesome! Love hearing about how God has worked in someone's life. Pam joined us for the end too.

Have loved meeting some incredible people over here. And as I said to Jacob tonight, the worst part about meeting cool people who live on the other side of the world, is that you have to say goodbye.

That's right tonight is our last night here in Yokohama. Jess and I will be venturing off to Hokone tomorrow. Which we are super excited about, to see Mt Fuji, but also have a bed to sleep in!
This week of Shine has been super awesome for myself and the team. I know we have all been excited and seen a lot of amazing things. Grown a lot and been encouraged.
Just a little bit more about my revelation this week-

It started over a month ago, God showed me a vision of him at the Young Adults camp.
He was standing in front of me, I felt comfort and peace. I had my hands out infront of me. God was giving me all the things I need in my hands. But I knew that it all belonged to Him. This was God providing all I need and showing me that all that I have and He has given me, belongs to Him and Him alone.
He then placed his right hand near my heart. Two fingers on my heart. And I felt the Holy Spirit fill me. God was saying to me, I am providing you all you need in the Spirit. All my strength, power, grace, love. I felt it move into my heart and I was in awe of trusting my savior.

This is pretty relevant to my life with a new season and an opportunity. I have been doubting MY ability in Him. As I have all faith that His power is awesome. And I have no doubt that He can do all things.

I knew with all my heart God has entrusted me with His will, and I have to obey and follow Him.

God has taught me that He hasn't just entrusted me... that He, God of the universe TRUSTS me. He TRUSTS me to do His will. What an honour it is to be trusted by God.

This became a revelation for me this week here in Japan as I sought out all God wanted to do here through us. I had an amazing woman Carla pray for me. She happened to be from Australia too.
On the Wednesday of this last week I was praying and in worship and she walked up to me. Remember she doesn't know me, she doesn't know what I am going through. Like my vision of Jesus,
 She places both hands in my hand. Praying over a blessing of Gods goodness and provision in my life. She then moved her right hand to my heart and placed two fingers on my heart. And I could feel my heart being filled of the Holy Spirit. This was the exact image I had of Jesus a few months earlier at the camp.

How great to know that God provides all we need. as we trust Him he keeps His promises and Trusts us to do His will!

Of course I have been battling with this in my own strength. But seeing God move and work over here in Japan I have really had to rely on His strength and His timing and the Holy Spirit more in such a darker place. "God you move, you make a way, and You do Your will"
God got me here, provided for me, and made this happen. So after all this week, all Glory goes to Him!

He revealed this scipture to me today in Exodus:

Moses raised another objection to God : “Master, please, I don’t talk well. I’ve never been good with words, neither before nor after you spoke to me. I stutter and stammer.” God said, “And who do you think made the human mouth? And who makes some mute, some deaf, some sighted, some blind? Isn’t it I, God ? So, get going. I’ll be right there with you—with your mouth! I’ll be right there to teach you what to say.” He said, “Oh, Master, please! Send somebody else!” God got angry with Moses: “Don’t you have a brother, Aaron the Levite? He’s good with words, I know he is. He speaks very well. In fact, at this very moment he’s on his way to meet you. When he sees you he’s going to be glad. You’ll speak to him and tell him what to say. I’ll be right there with you as you speak and with him as he speaks, teaching you step by step. He will speak to the people for you. He’ll act as your mouth, but you’ll decide what comes out of it. Now take this staff in your hand; you’ll use it to do the signs.”

Through Him, He Trusts me to do His will. He trusts MY mouth through His words. He isn't looking for the person next to me to do what He has called me to. He appoints every single one of us to our own calling in His will.

Anyways. Hope this has encouraged you.
Be abundantly blessed!

Sending love from Japan, Kath

Saturday, 30 May 2015

JAPAN Day 13

Day 13 here in Japan, last day of shine. So sad yet so exciting! This morning we got up bright and early. Met the team at Yokohama station, where we then took a train to Tokyo station. One of the largest stations in the world! It was another hot 29 degree day here in Japan! Yay for the sunshine.

 Just a few of the amazing people doing Shine this week. Andy- our awesome leader took this shot! Love it!

 Shibuya station.

 Outside Tokyo station with the team. We met there for outreach. A whole bunch of new people from across the world here to do GOD. (Global Outreach day!)
 THE TEAM! and what a team it is.

Shibuya station.

From there we broke up into smaller teams and we to 3 large stations over the city of Tokyo. We then had music on the street, got to pray for people and bless people. The first bit of this I found hard. The Japanese are either really shut off or open to the idea of Jesus and being prayed for! So we just had to have confidence in God that HE was going to move!
And He never fails!

 Praying for people.

 Liegh praying for some girls.

 Jess painted a little today! Was a little hard for her this week with so much going on, so hopefully she can get some time into do it in next week.

This bunch of kids were all dressed up. One boy was touched by the Holy Spirit and could feel the presence of God. The all got to witnesses and know the love of Christ in their lives. So amazing!

I then started chatting with a group of ladies, at Shibuya station. I gave them something about the Joy Festival that was on this afternoon. Two of the ladies had just been running a marathon, so I started asking them about that and how it went. And asking them a little about them selves. They then asked what we were doing here.. and why we were handing things out and chatting to people.
I started to tell them about Jesus and the Gospel, that God loves them and through Him we can have eternal life! One of the ladies actually spoke really good English. Which was handy! So the conversation couldn't of been any clearer.
They were so open to hearing about the gospel, and so surprised!  I was surprised. They had never even heard about Jesus. The lady who was speaking English was moving her ankles and I noticed that they were paining her after the 18k run. I then asked if I could pray for her ankles, and she looked at me with big eyes and just said "yessss!!" Ohh yeah here comes the Lord.
So I started to pray for her ankles and all the pain went away! Weow Amen!
Just as I was getting up they noticed one of their friends coming from a distant. He was hobbling a long, and had hurt his leg in the same run! So I said "ohh lets pray for him too!!?" And they were like screaming "yes! Yes!" So they got him to come over and Liegh and I prayed for his leg. At first he said about 80% better, so we prayed again and boom 100% healed in Jesus name! So SO good!
They had to run off again, but they all walked away with a witness to the Grace, power and love of God.

 We then all headed to the Joy Festival in Hibiya park.
 There was singing and dancing and Gospel music.

 Was joyful indeed!

After the joy festival we hung around Hibiya park for an hour or so before heading off to dinner. 

 Central Hibiya park with some of the most amazing people going round! Gonna miss these kids.

 Sad saying goodbye to this lady today. After one awesome week, spreading the gospel and praying with her, getting to know her beautiful soul. So much love for you Laura! Until we meet again I say

 Pam or as I like to call her Pam Jam, because she is full of all things sweet- decided to take a dip in the fountain. Love how much JOY God has given her just in the week of being here!

These wonderful prayer warriors and amazing women have been a highlight this week. They brought so much joy into my heart watching them love and serve the Lord! 

My highlight for this week though was Jesus. They way he moved here in Japan, how He has touched peoples hearts, healed them and shown His face here in Japan through the faithful team at Shine Japan.
There have been MANY more stories over the last week. Of course I have mostly shared my own experience. 
God has shown me His light over here. How easy it is for Him to work through us when we allow Him to, and He has taught me how much He trusts me to do His will. I knew He entrusted me with it, I just didn't believe He trusted ME! But He sure does, and I am forever thankful that I get to know Him, and walk with Him! 
The day ended with an 8.5 earthquake. To be honest it was awesome to experience on again. And it is pretty clear God has rocked the city of Yokohama and Tokyo over the last week. 

Peace friends! 

Friday, 29 May 2015

JAPAN Day 12

Hello friends. Japan day 12!

We all had the morning off today. Just to rest in time for our BIG day at the joy festival tomorrow morning.
Kate and I started our day at the local starbucks, with good coffee and some quiet time and prayer! Needed it this morning. God is SO good! Thanks for all your prayers back home, we have needed it this week. Defiantly couldn't do it without Gods strength.
 Starbucks goodness. Reading 'Life is' by the one and only Judah Smith!

 A wet and rainy day here in Japan. Was kind of nice after a few hot days. Loving the black and white! Plus i love the rain... just not the cold! So its perfect when its a good 24 degrees! Also most Japanese people are highly skilled at riding a bike with an umbrella. They all do it!

 Our street here in Yokohama.

 Went out prayer walking in another part of Yokohama. Basically a red light district, lots of gambling and prostitution. Was awesome to pray God into those areas. Laura and I also prayed for a girl who had broken her arm. She felt the Holy Spirit, and said she felt joy and the pain leave! Go God!

 Another few testimonies from the team- a few people also gave their lives to God after hearing the gospel and experiencing the Holy Spirit.
One guy was healed of an ankle injury- he couldn't believe it, he also have his life to God.

 This building had a vine growing up it.

 We spoke to this guy on the street. And prayed a blessing over him. He came back and gave us a bag full of bananas. Pretty funny! So much joy! Chris is convinced this guy called him cute... but Im pretty sure he was pointing at the ladies ;)

 Dayne speaking with this guy, telling him about Jesus. Got to pray a blessing over him.

Had dinner with a whole bunch of the team at a cool place in Yokohama. Ended up holding and joining hands with two tables near us and praying grace together. It's defiantly the simple things in life thst are joyful! 

And tonight I ended my night at a sento. A public Japanese bath! 
You go naked. Haha so it was quite an experience! 
But it was just Pam, Sarah and I on the girls side, which was great! We shared our testimonies and spoke about God moving in our lives. Was pretty funny as we all hadn't shared our testimony naked before! Goodness. 
Today was extra hard being pretty exhausted, even though God still used me- all Glory to him as it was His strength and not mine. I could of been in bed all day otherwise!  Anyway, massive day tomorrow. Keep praying as week seek to bring joy and love to the people here in Japan. God is doing BIG things, so awesome to be apart of it! 

Peace and love xxx

Thursday, 28 May 2015

JAPAN Day 11

Day 11 in Japan today. 5th day of Shine!
this morning Jess and I started with Psalm 27, and breakfast on the roof in the sunshine. We have noticed how much down time we need this week. Becomes the foundations of our day. 

Today I was pretty wrecked after a massive day yesterday. But was excited to see how God worked through the team. 

We started with worship and prayer with the team again! Was an awesome time to praise God for what he is doing for Japan. We prayed for the next 10 years, and how God is moving amongst the church here in Japan.

 Praying before outreach today.

 The team.

 Few of the peeps from New Jersey! Just liked this one! This was taken walking to the Red Brick Warehouse here in Yokohama.

 Laura and Jess!

 Laura and Sarah. Canada and Texas. Same same! Love their happy souls!

 Yokohama city where we did out reach today.
although this place is concrete city, it does have some awesome landscapes!

Yokohama city from along the water. 

 Jacob chatting with a Japanese man. So amazing to see so many people love on the people of Japan all at once! And how easy it is to honour and glorify God through it. Such a beautiful thing to witness.

Dayne got to share his testimony with  these two Japanese people!

Was a bit of a tougher day today! A lot of the people we got to chat to were pretty shut off, and was harder to speak with them! A few from the team saw healings and got to pray for people! God is still shaping the heart of Japan. So amazing to see the shift and pray for break through over this country!

Tonight we got to jump like crazy! We had Ben Jack, a DJ from the UK come and play for us. Share the gospel and praise God. Even though I had hardly any energy we all still managed to somehow dance our butts off for a few hours! Was a lot of fun!

The night ended with snacks and chats at our American friends place. Love me a team bonding session over weird Japanese food!  

Of course good laughs were had!

Tomorrow we have the morning off... which I'm so excited about.  Have loved this week. But it has defiantly taken a toll. The team is pretty exhausted!  We will still do out reach in the afternoon. But keen to recoop in the morning.

 We have a massive day Saturday for the Joy Festival in Tokyo. It's going to be incredible. We are expecting 1000 people to show up.
Also, a link of the outreach we did yesterday... have a watch! God is good!


Peace friends.