Happy reading:)

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Small group.

wow oh wow! Am I blessed to know God. In small group today we came up with thoughts that, got us thinking, but were so interesting to figure out, and amazing to hear what God had to say. Some of the questions coming up today were... Why did God put us here on earth in the first place? Why did God create us in the firstly? Why did he send Jesus here to die for us? Where do animals go, when they die? We came to the conclusion that God is the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. That though we have a choice, to love him or not, that he is always going to be in our lives, and we can not avoid that. examples; people curse his name, yet we dont hear of people cursing buddahs name or anyother "god". Every coin has the year it was made. The year is the amount of time after Jesus being born here on this earth. The years are calculated by when he was on earth! 2011, is 2011 years after our God was here on earth, and died for all our sins. We either decieve Jesus as being, a mad man, a bad man OR we can believe that he was who he said he was, "The Son of God". And there is way more proof that Jesuswas the Son of God. The tomb is empty, people watched him perform miracles, he rose from the dead, there a billions of people who still believe and follow him amd his word today. God created earth so that we could have a relationship with him. To experience his love ourselfs. God is love! Though some don't think that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, He was some man, to say he was the bread of life. He must of been some man to have died for all our sins. He must of been some man that the year is known after he was here. He must of been some man, that his word is True and billions of people still today have a relationship with him. He must of been some man that the grave couldnt hold him, and he rose from the dead! He is God to all, not matter how far you try and run, or seperate yourself from him on earth, you will face him again. When the time comes, you will stand before him.

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