Happy reading:)

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

The end of my story in 3rd person.

 From the outside, and to the people that surrounded her, she was beaming, taking no chances in being seen as a small immature girl. Standing with confidence, and with a petite smile on her face. She was going to show her maturity, show that she could speak her mind, and not be ashamed.
  On the inside, she was screaming, trying to know how to feel, what to even say, and not wanting to look stupid.  Feeling crazy with all these unknown thoughts streaming through her mind, she was yet to figure out what would happen from here.
Clenching onto her bag, She casually starts to walk over to him.  The intense feeling you get when your going on a rollercoaster was running down her legs, her heart was pumping, and she was trying not to bite her own lip.  
She stands strong, smiles, and tries not to feel the bumps of the rollercoaster.  No one else knew what was going through her head, let alone understand the thoughts running through her mind at this point in time. She kept it cool, she figured it was safer to pretend like she didn’t know his name, like she didn’t look forward to see him every week.  Its not like he is first person she looks for every time she comes here. No she went on with her real reality, where they didn’t talk, or see each other anywhere other then here. Though she was dying to be apart of his world, and his reality, she had to stick to her own, so that maybe one day it could be possible for their realities to become one. Not one person can fully understand the feelings and her mind, and made up reality with this person. She decided she was invisible, and it was going to stay that way until he thought otherwise.

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