I hope I am not boring you with my adventures this far!
I think they have been pretty great.
We packed up our stuff ready to move on. Jess did have to sit on her suit case.
And when we signed out, we added a star from where we are from.
Today was our last morning in Yokohama. Well it wasn't meant to be. Once we had left the hostel we realised we had actually booked an extra night there. But we decided to continue on and just book an extra night and go a day early to Hokone. Because we really didn't want to go back there for another night. We continued with adventurous hearts!
This morning was great fun, but sad. We said goodbye to some of the best people.
The American team from Kansas city.
They were leaving today too, well 2 of them Pam and Dayne were off home. Jacob is off to Nepal for another great adventure, and Sarah & Keith are staying in Japan. So we all had lunch up on the roof for the last time. Such a wonderful bunch of people, so blessed to meet them and journey with them this week, and get to know all of them!
Will miss the laughs and good times. So much love for these guys. All of them had such a heart for God, and I loved seeing their joy being more embraced.
Sarah Sanga as we like to call her, got her nickname Sanga because she was sandwiched between Kate and I on the train. Love this crazy fun lady, will miss the smile on your face!

Pam Jam, such a heart of Gold. And of course, full of all things sweet! Have loved seeing her embrace God in a bigger way and live in His goodness and Joy. Can't wait to hear about your adventures to come Pam Jam!
One last happy snap before the goodbye.
Jacob, such a humble guy. So much wisdom on his shoulders. We call him Banana, because he can say it the Aussie way. So Banana, I shall miss your free spirited, fun loving, kind personality!
And Dayne Dazzler, you are such a servant of the Lord. Loved watching you this week, serve, love and constantly build up everyone around you! So encouraging.
Until next year friends!
Bullet train timeeee
And finally we get to see the different beautiful country side of Japan. What an amazing place!
It was all so beautiful. We caught a train up the mountain to where we are staying in Hokone.
A road from above on the train.
Jess taking in the creation.
Wonderful landscapes, up here. The mountains are beyond beautiful. God has created some pretty cool things.
Side of the train before going into a tunnel.
We arrived at the station here and caught a taxi to our hotel.
The taxi guys trying to figure out which direction we are headed. I'm glad a lot of people speak more English then we do Japanese. Definitely comes in handy!
And... WE HAVE BEDS. Oh the things we take for granted. Lets just say Jess had a lot more happiness!
We then walked to some natural hot springs after taking a tour of our hotel. It is really nice, but it also reminds me of a retirement village. A lot of Japanese people and tourist come up here to escape the craziness of Tokyo and the cities.
Was amazing to relax in the natural hot springs. Jess had the Japanese Onsen experience for the first time too! We only stayed an hour though, they were super hot!
The outside of the hot springs and in this town they have all these Japanese style buildings!
Jess and I are feeling pretty lucky to be here. We are wrecked after a massive week, and are keen to unwind. I'm excited to see a few things this week. Mt. FUJI tomorrow! Which will be a great adventure.
Tonight we are chilling in our room, had some dinner together. And we are going to spend time in worship before we sleep.
Other then that, we are actually both looking forward to going home at the end of this week.
Missing our families and friends a lot! So know that we love you heaps back at home.
Love from Japan land, Kath
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