Happy reading:)

Monday, 23 June 2014

Just as the sun brings life to the world, God will bring life unto me.

Have you ever woken up not wanting to start your day? You're still under your doona, and its the best place on earth. Why would anyone want to start the day when your consumed by cosiness? 
This is my constant battle.....every morning. (Especially now I'm working full time). I'm defiantly not a morning person!
In that moment, I think of all the things my day will involve, from beginning to end. All the things I have to do, the people I will see and the time it will take, and when ill be back in my bed again... ready to start the day again. And then I think of how many more minutes I can enjoy not doing all those things.
I'm sure most of you can agree or relate somehow! Life is hard or it can be. Facing tough situations isn't easy and not everyone can't make you happy. The world cannot make you happy! we are constantly searching for more. Weather you know it or not.

This morning wasn't different, I lay there doing exactly this. Overthinking. It's probably a girl thing, or just a normal human thing. Maybe girls can just admit it more! Anyway...  I started to think about the sun, and all its goodness!  It makes morning, creates our light and a whole new day. Everyday the sun rises, yes we all know that..
I guess a lot of the time we don't see it because its up before we are. Or we want it to stay still so we can sleep just a little bit longer. But it still somehow seems to creep through my curtains and onto my face.
There have been times on the rare occasion where I have gotten up to watch the sunrise. If you have ever done this you know exactly what I'm talking about when I say it's so incredibly peaceful. There is something special about it. As the edge of the sun, touches the face of the earth, the colours in the sky change, the birds sing and awaken, and the crisp air that fills my lungs makes me feel so content.
I remember the feeling of serenity and peace. And having no doubt in my mind that God is here.

It makes me think of the promises God has for us...
  Hosea 6:3 "As surely as the sun rises, He will appear. He will come to us".
God is here, He is alive, and just as the sun rises, He will come to us.
This makes my day feel a whole lot better. Why? Just because I have Jesus.
I couldn't imagine life without him.
For me- A life without a Jesus, is like a life without sun.
The sun plays an important part in life. Of course we all need our little dose of vitamin D. But the Sun brings life.. the earth without the sun, wouldn't be able to survive!
Like this, I or all of us cannot survive without God. Without Jesus.
Its my personal relationship with Him that I know He is here. I know He has my heart. Even when I'm constantly overthinking things, or when I am weak. I know that He is God. And that's all that ever seems to truly matter. The best thing is, is that I have peace when I need it most. In those times, when I can no longer do it by myself, when I don't want to get out of bed and face the day....
John 16:33 "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you, not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled nor let it be fearful".....
I have peace knowing the God of the universe knows my heart, and has gone before me.
So before I get out of bed, I give my day to God. I let him in, He brings me life, He brings me joy. And even though sometimes life brings heart ache, even though life brings troubles, weakness, sadness, and hurt. My God, our God, has already overcome that!
 John 16:33 (continued) "...I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this world you have troubles. But take heart, I have overcome the world".
This is probably my favourite bible verse.
Knowing that a God has overcome everything, and I no longer have to worry about anything. For me its not about what God can do for me, although sometimes we all fall short of his glory. Its more about what I can do for God. After all He gave it all, a He gave everything for me.
This is one of those times where I watched the sunrise. I was on coffee shop down in Port Fairy. I remember waking up. Ebony, Jack and Sam all came down with me. We walked 1.5kms to the lighthouse where the sun was just coming up over the horizon.
So in conclusion.. I will try,  to start my day consumed by Gods grace. By His presence and promises. Trusting that He has already overcome all the trials and disappointments in my life.
"Just as the sun brings life to the world,  God will bring life unto me"- Katherine Gerrand.
Peace readers! Hope your life is full of sunshine :)

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