Ever had those moments in your life, where you think about almost everything in it, and how it's going to change. It's not going to be the same. and then you think of the time where you will look back at these moments and wish you were still anticipating change, and not going through it! And one day you will look back and realise, it was going to happen anyway.
Well this is happening to me on many levels right now. In a few short months- a lot of things are going to change.
From selling and moving house, the one where I love to live, where I grew up and most memories were created. To my best friend/family possibly moving away for more then a year, to changing church, meeting a new family member, changing jobs, a lot of things are going to change.
And in anticipation, it's hard. I have moments where its exciting, overwhelming, sad, happy, and just sometimes; to much.
As I look around my room now, I find it hard to imagine anyone else having "my room" as their own. It's going to be very different!
Yes, people keep telling me things i already know, like...im lucky to even have a roof over my head, and this new place will be an adventure, its really nice where you're going, you will get used to it.
For me, none of it changes how hard it's going to be to move. Because I simply- don't want to move from my home.
When it comes to my best friend moving away, I knew it would be inevitable. She has had a heart for this place for a long time, and I know its a massive opportunity for her. So im excited for her, I just dont know how Im going to handle life without her! After all she is my twin. I may even miss It when she steals my clothes, because she wont be able to when she is gone.
Changing jobs, Im actually excited to leave this new place im working at. Its horrible! So it's good I know its only for a season. And then ill probably be happier once Ive left there. Sometimes things are only for a season. And they make us stronger!
Changing church. This is one thing I haven't discussed with a lot of people. A few know that Im keen to check out other churches. But God has definatly made it pretty clear. Not only in my attitude towards my church has become quite negative, and I have prayed about. But no one is perfect, no church is perfect. And I can understand that. I think it goes beyond how I feel, it's me trusting God with where He wants me. And not where im comfortable. Even though Ive experienced dissapointment and lost passion for it- ive come to realise, I cant change it. I cant stand and be disapointed in something that maybe isnt for me. When I know people are being blessed and grown there. The reality is- Im not. Though I love my community there- its also where I grew up, and where my closest friends are. Its time I follow what God has planned for me, and what He has put on my heart for a while now!
So I will try... and slowly transition for the rest of this year. Ill still be at New Hope for 2014- because as a youth leader I intend to keep my relationships with my amazing youth girls and my commitment to youth. So we will see how that goes. It's going to be hard!
Family is the one thing that keeps me going. My constant love from my heavenly Father. My family here, my parents are great, my sisters are a blessing. Even though some part of our family can be broken and some are more distant then other times, we still try. The only thing we or I can do is try. Try and have a positive attitude when it seems impossible, try to move on without being negative, keep trusting in God and all he has planned. After all- He makes everything work together for my (our) good.
Ways I have learnt to try and have a positive attitude in the midst of change....
1. Take smaller steps.
Its amazing how easy change comes when you take smaller steps. And believe it or not, these changes I have mentioned earlier are small steps in my journey.. so I need to take one at a time.
2. Remember every adventure is a journey.
I need to continue to reflect and keep on track in the times where you feel like your journey has no peace, or where you need to take smaller steps. Sometimes I have to catch myself before taking bigger steps.
3. I have to have the heart of an adventurer.
If God has called us forward into something new, then all will be well.
4. Dont look around- look at God. Have a confident expectation that God will work together for my good.
5. Deal with negativity and doubt. Praying through difficult situations and hardships, and giving them to God.
6. Feed your faith, starve your doubt.
Keep trusting in jesus knowing that He is all powerful and my steps in obeying him are going to go far beyond my expectations.
7. One small step opens countless opportunities in life.
God is big on promise and low on detail.
We just have to take the step.
The fruit of your obediance is always bigger then what you think.
There is always someone waiting on the other side. In your obedience to God- someone will be blessed.
8. Forgive like Christ has forgiven you. Relationships are our greatest blessings, but greatest challenge.
Feelings can disapear, communication can break down, or we can be hurt.
Things happen in relationships but they can be overcome by the grace of God. Its not gonna happen just by prayer. You have to take a small step to reconciliation. Its no good pretending everythings okay, when its not.
9. Take responsibility.
If the world is tough, it overflows into your relationships.
10. Trust God.
Remembering to constantly handing him all my frustration, worry and hurt. And trusting him with my life, after all it's His. Not mine!
This morning as I sat in church, I got all these.. 1-10 ways to rely on Him. It made menreflect over all parts of my life and how they seem messy. But all I need to do is rest in Him. It was exactly what I needed. It's funny the way God speaks to us.
As we sung Glorious ruins by Hillsong I woshiped my little heart out. its my prayer for now.
Lyrics: " As the mountains fall, and the tempest roar You are with me. When creation folds Still my soul will sing of your mercy.
Ill walk through the fire, with my head lifted high. And my spirit revived in your story. And ill look to the cross as my failure is lost, in the light of your glorious grace. Let the ruins come to life, in the glory of your name, rising up from the ashes, God forever you'll reign.
And my soul will find refuge, in the shadow of your wings, I will love you forever, and forever ill sing.
When the world caves in, still my hope will cling to your promise. Where my courage ends, let my heart find strength in your presence".
Peace readers.