Family, there is nothing like it. Honestly I can't remember ever not having the blessing of family. For most of us, we are blessed with family. I know I am very blessed with my family, For as long as I have been alive, my family have blessed me. Every Birthday, Christmas, and special occasions, we celebrate with family. They have always been here. I love them.
from left: Grandad (camera in hand) Nan (beautiful smile) Mum & Dad (watching as Steph blows out her birthday candles for the 18th time)
This last Christmas (2013) was when I realised no one is perfect. Even the people you are closest to, or you thought you knew. Though of course I knew that before somehow we can be blinded by our own expectations or thoughts, that hide away the disappointing truth we don't want to face.
A bit tired after an emotional day, as the years go on, we all get older.
And as we get older, learn new things, people grow, family grows.
I am so blessed to be the oldest of the Grandchildren, it means I am blessed with younger cousins.

Taylar and I
(oldest and youngest Grandkids) She is such a beautiful girl, so blessed to see her grow up!
I think it's made me realise; watching my aunties and uncles become amazing parents themselves, how much of a blessing my own parents are too. Mum was 22 when she had Jen and I. Being 20 now, it must of been a big change having twins by that stage in your life. But God defiantly has everything in His hands. We have moved a little, and plan on moving again this year. After being at this house for 12 years now, it'll be hard to move, but I'm keen for a new adventure.
My Aunty Jac with her daughter ( my cousin) Autumn. such a beautiful little family!
I am blessed to be a twin, and though it has it's moments and our whole life we have felt compared, Jen is the most honest person in my life. Because we have grown up together, we have no shame, and we can be completely blunt with one another. Though It can be a disadvantage in our relationship, I think we have a lot of respect for one another.
There is something about being a twin, it's different then having a sibling. After all God did create us at the exact same time, so we have always been blessed with each other.
Steph, what can I say about her, she is such a beautiful girl. I think watching her grow up has had a big impact on my life. Turing 18 a few months ago really got me thinking. One day we are all young, everyone looks young, and then you wake up and everyone is older. People have changed. 

Jen & Taylar. A beautiful moment between generations.
Life is really just a small glimpse, and then we have eternity. We are blessed to even be apart of this world, to grow old, to be blessed with family, and relationships & friends. I am still blessed to have all 4 Grandparents alive. To hear about their journey, and watch them in theirs! My Grandad and Grandpa, two Men who have always loved, and encouraged me in my Photography and Faith.

Left: Grandad (John Gerrand) He has always encouraged me, taken time to know us, and encourages me in my photography work. Right: Grandpa (David Cadman) For as long as I have known him, He has been a strong man of faith, and has encouraged my faith and walk with Jesus. So blessed!
I love watching my Grandma love on her grand children, and become over joyed! Her laugh is contagious, and her smile brightens the room. She is the most compassionate person, and always lightens the mood with her sense of humour. There is so much joy and blessing in family, even though we aren't perfect, we are all created in one image; God. And He blesses us with such joy.
Grandma with Taylar. 1st and 3rd Generation. So much joy in this photograph.
My Dad (Dave) So blessed to have him being the biggest male role model in my life, though we are very different, he has taught me a lot. He is compassionate, he has worked hard all his life and somehow overcomes the little bumps in life, and has always seen the bigger picture. Watching him get older is great, although I get to make fun of him, it has only grown our relationship. Couldn't imagine life without him!
A few captured moments of my beautiful family......
As time goes by, we all get older, family grows, wrinkles come, people change, past events may change future ones, but in family there is love. There is God. And through and in Him- we can get through anything.
I am forever Blessed!
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