For a while now, I have been putting off writing. Normally day-to-day, I write. Some may call it a journal, me- I call it my Journey book. It's where I write out my feelings, say what I've done during the days, what temptations and situations I have faced. I become raw, with myself. I haven't written that book in a while, and I think it is because my mind is trying to keep its self, from its self. Which my mind its-self can't exactly understand. Confusing huh? In other words I think the mind can be most frightened of its self.
I'll try and explain it. Every time, I say to myself "Okay, today I am going to write" I think up a bunch of things I can say. And then, get distracted. Example: Tonight after contemplating writing, I sat down, and actually started to. About three lines in of writing this, I then needed to go and drive my sister to a friends house, in the pouring thunderstorm of rain. So it, of course took a lot longer then expected. So my mind didn't exactly get to end or write what I wanted to. So here I am making the most of it..

Well now it's my turn to be raw with you (who ever reads this).
It all began with a book. Something so simple, yet powerful to the mind. Words can change how we see things, situations, and can change how we see people. And this book did that for me.
I have many stories over the past few weeks that can relate to this. But I'll start from the beginning.
Somethings are hard to explain and certain things I won't explain, but I felt as if God had taken the broken pieces of my life, the ones people didn't even know I cared for, the pieces of my life that were fragile and disturbed and didn't even know it.. and HE put them back where they should be. slowly but surely everything was coming together again. Family situations, friends, they were all becoming why I was happy. I put every bit of me and invested into relationships. Building others up.
Little did I know that when I was most happy the devil would use temptation, pain, hurt and guilt against me, and I was weak for it, because I was so happy. I would doubt. Suffering is still in this world, and will always be That's one thing we can't change, no matter who we are.
And all of a sudden, I became aware. More aware, of the sufferings, more aware of the pain and hurt the world brings. Physically, emotionally and spiritually. I'm not just talking about 3rd world countries, or where war happens. I was seeing war at home. Where we live, in a society that cares more about what they wear and how they look to the world then to themselves.
Like I said before how words can change how people see things. I saw the pain and hurt of words. Though the book I read gave me a positive experience on this, imagine what the opposite can do to someones heart.

Judging people, saying negative things about people, what good is that going to create? Yet we are stuck in a world where as humans we naturally do this. Why? I will never know.
I didn't really want to bore you with all this, It does sound a lot more intense in my mind.
Going on....

Realizing now that my love for God, and letting him work in my life was breaking my heart, because I did see the bad, the hurt and the suffering that people have, big or small. I was getting upset at the hurt that didn't have to be created, and was unnecessary. This for me, was emotionally, spiritually and physically draining. (As it would be for anyone).

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