Happy reading:)

Thursday, 9 June 2011

This photograph, I love. I took this while camping in 2008. Yes, it was a while ago (and only on the 5 megapixel camera i had back then). Though it was a while ago, it reminds me of camping. I'll tell you the story about how this photo, kind of got me into photography and why i love and enjoy it so much today.. where it all kinda began.
It was a cold, frosty morning. I was camping with my two cousins Emma and Zoe (who were 5 at the time), and their dad, my uncle Geoff and two other families. Being me while camping, I woke up early, and decided to go for a walk. We were camping on the river, the sun hadn't come up yet, as it was about 5 in the morning. Along the river, the fog was coming off the flowing water. The birds were singing and it was quiet with everyone still all asleep in their tents. I thought the fog on the river looked amazing, so i started taking photographs. Little did I know the sun was about to come up. As the sun rose; it was beautiful. Everything that I thought already looked incredible, became 10 times better. The sun over the hills were reflecting along the river, through the fog, and among the trees... It was a sight i would never forget, and an experience I will forever imagine and remember. As the sun was shining i wanted to take as many photographs as I could, I kept trying to snap as many as I could. As I came over to a tree on the side of the water, I noticed a spider web, with the morning sun shining, it looked incredible. Just as i was walking away, this spider came out, and started to gather his web. It was the first time i appreciated spiders, as it was such a sight.
And thats how I found my love of photography. By camping, the sun, and the little things in life that can be seen as incredible if you let yourself see them as incredible.
So this brings me to camping this weekend, SYG! I cannot wait to see if I can get some great shots, have an amazing time, and enjoy the experience I'm sure I will never forget!

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