Happy reading:)

Sunday, 24 April 2011


well, we all have a life, and they are all very different, not one person on this earth has the same life, not one! its crazy to think that though we are all living on this same planet, that we all face different experiences. They can be similar, we can relate to those around, we hear the same news from all around the world, of disasters.. celebrities.. and the economy.. but we all have a different life here, in our time. Time can be a precious thing, to some anyway.. theres a saying "live life to the fullest, cause you only get one".. Its true we only get one life here on this earth. but we can also have eternal life with our
God, Jesus christ, our saviour. The bible promises, if we believe that God gave his only son, to forgive all our sins, to die on the cross, and to be risen this very day, that we shall have eternity with him. its rather exciting to think, what the next life is going to be like... just a thought :) soo happy easter to those around, hope it was safe and well! Remember Jesus on this day, as he rose again!
also read matthew 24, its really good, gives you some insight on the end :)

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