Happy reading:)

Thursday, 28 April 2011

thinking to myself while walking....

"staring at the stars, a million miles away.. And all i see is you. asking where from here, and which direction to go.. but we face today, and then tomorrow is thrown away. Is there any point in missing what we could of had. i cannot not waste my time here, because we cant go back, all the steps we have taken. And theres no point in changing our direction. ive got to keep my focus on you." sometimes when i cant take advice from other people, i should really consider taking my own.

Sunday, 24 April 2011


well, we all have a life, and they are all very different, not one person on this earth has the same life, not one! its crazy to think that though we are all living on this same planet, that we all face different experiences. They can be similar, we can relate to those around, we hear the same news from all around the world, of disasters.. celebrities.. and the economy.. but we all have a different life here, in our time. Time can be a precious thing, to some anyway.. theres a saying "live life to the fullest, cause you only get one".. Its true we only get one life here on this earth. but we can also have eternal life with our
God, Jesus christ, our saviour. The bible promises, if we believe that God gave his only son, to forgive all our sins, to die on the cross, and to be risen this very day, that we shall have eternity with him. its rather exciting to think, what the next life is going to be like... just a thought :) soo happy easter to those around, hope it was safe and well! Remember Jesus on this day, as he rose again!
also read matthew 24, its really good, gives you some insight on the end :)

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

what the heart says.

Well, there is a saying "to follow your heart" .... to follow your heart, i know the heart is a precious thing, it keeps our blood flowing, and oxygen flowing through our bodies and they are vital to keep us alive. But really its just another organ. "To follow the heart", well its kindof stupid to be honest, and when i think about it, it doesnt make any sense at all, our heart doesnt know how to think... or hold any information about our life in anyway, its just there, doing its job. Us humans have just given it another job, for which it cant actually have. Our head does have this job, our minds, and memory, the brain is an amazing thing. though i dont think we ever follow our minds, because alot of us cant trust our minds. So I have come up with my conclusion.. and a new saying "follow what you believe in" so there is hope for the/your future. I believe in the Lord. so i am going to follow him all of my days, worship him in everysingle way, because he has a plan for me. And as for knowing what to follow, i know he will give me peace when its the right thing to do. So if your a believer, and you dont know how to "follow your heart", follow your plan, by praying, and asking God for peace, when you dont know what to do. It works every time! We all think before we act, and sometimes we dont... just remember to look for God, because he has the answers. AMEN

Sunday, 10 April 2011

the sudden change.

You never know what suprises you will face in this world. You can have everything figured out, all aspects of life. Then with time, everything can change. We get to know those around us for who they really are. This can suprise us, and change all the aspects you once had. 
People, even your friends, can put on a face, hide what they want to say, be known for what they seem. I love getting to know people, hearing what they have to say. Getting to know someone, can really effect how you feel about them. You can respect them more, or even like them more, for who they can be, with you.  Often you can form  a picture of someone in your head, of who you see them to be, its not until you get to know them, that you fully realise and understand that you want them to be a major part in your life. Its taking the next step, asking God for guidence, so maybe you know what to do from here?

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

for a moment, nothing else matters.

Have you ever had a moment where nothing matters?
Your whole world slows down, you've either hit rock bottom, or your in thinking mode. We all have moments, where we actually couldn't care less of what other people think of us, we block out everyone and everything in this moment.
This moment normally only lasts for a while, then we get back to the world, and all of a sudden, everything is back to normal. Everything that was once nothing to you, is now everything again. Our minds can be strange how they work, we have our good days and our bad, and then there is those days in between when all we feel is stillness. I always wonder what other people are thinking, when they talk to me, see me, or what they actually think of me as a person. which leads me to the next question.. "If i was my own friend, would i be my friend?" If this doesn't make sense to you, maybe just ask yourself, if you would like who you are, if you stepped outside the box. Im sure we all have our close friends, the ones who we can truly rely on, the people who encourage us when we are feeling down, who lift us up when were sad. The friend who we can have fun with, go crazy with (for no apparent reason). We all have a best friend. I am truly blessed with the friends i have around me, if i have a bad day, they life me up, give me hope. Forgive me when i do the wrong thing, say the wrong words, or simply hurt them. We all get hurt, but we have to believe and have hope in the small things because they are the times that add up to what we get out of life. Moments can last, we can have moments of fun, hope, love, loss, sadness, etc... Moments when nothing else matters, are the times when we are alone, thinking, observing life and the time we have around us. Space is surly needed in this world. Though this world may be big, we need head space, time to think, relax, and clear our heads, so we can have good moments. So that maybe we can make a good moment to the others around us. as i learnt from a friend recently, "live the world you want to see 24/7"! wise words i would say. I guess that follows with, 'love your neighbor as yourself", and "live each day like its your last"! sometimes we forget about our time here, taking it for granted. We grow, learn, love. I also think people sometimes forget to be who THEY are! they can talk, and act like they are so different in different situations,  just remember, YOU are perfect the way you are, individually made we are, but we are all created in one image! Forgive and forget, love and learn, and learn to love.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

sometimes words don't work.

Emotions can get to you. They can change so rapidly. And sometimes you can't even explain what your emotions are. This is when music and lyrics come in handy. Some music can relate to how we feel, and connect to our emotions in a way I cant describe. just some lyrics in my day today.

"Well you put me on the spot, i don't know what to say but I'm trying anyway.. Like my hearts gonna drop, my mind drifts away, and i cant control the pace."
Sometimes it can be hard to know what to say, or to even say the right thing. Sometimes we can have it all planned out in our head, of what to say and how its going to go, but really when it comes to that, its completely different. At the end of it all we might not have even said anything of what we planned, we could walk away regretting our actions, or regretting saying the wrong thing. Words can be hard to say in different situations, especially when we don't know what to say. People can disagree or not even listen at all. I guess I have to try and remind myself, that even though sometimes people cant understand what I'm saying, or understand the way i think and act, that we are all different, and we can change for short periods of time, it just depends of what's going on around us. But its life. You could pour your whole heart out to someone, and they might not say anything at all, or even try and deal with what you have just said, they just move on, with their own opinions and life. We all have to find that someone who listen to our words, even when our words come out wrong, hurtful or strange. Because they are the people who actually care, listen and encourage us through our walk of life. some more lyrics I've been listening today.

"They say you know, when you really find the one. But its hard to tell with the damage thats been done. Id like to say that its your fault but i know better, Im a fool to think you'd wait around forever. Maybe i Should of shown, that i still do care about you more then you could know, don't say its too late to try, to make it right."
Well though we all can say the wrong thing, do something wrong.. etc. Our friendships have its ups and its downs. I get we cant help our feelings at a certain time. we can be thrown down, and our emotions start to become reality, when we start to talk about them. We have to trust in ourselfs more, so that we can like what we say to others. Others might not accept your efforts, but as I've learnt in the recent past, it might not be what that someone else wants to hear. so sometimes we have to "build the bridge, and walk across the other side"