im-perfection, is there such thing?
"Apparently" we are all created equal, and in his image. in other words we are all like him.
we all have flaws, yes it may be that, one might talk to much, gossip, brag, annoy, not say the right thing at one time... but flaws within ourselfs can be different.
we all see ourselfs differently to what other people see through their eyes. Not only do we doubt who
we are, we point out all the little things that we know and see that "we dont like" or "want to change"
about ourselfs. Yet in our minds we judge, we judge all those around us, even if we don't mean to we still find ourselves judging... and for what? so we can feel pity? Or so we feel better about ourselfs..
But is it human nature?
no wonder why we feel as if we are incapable or imperfect. we judge everyone around us, and when we stand in the mirror, we judge ourselves maybe because everyone is constantly judging.
Well my only hope is that i can no longer judge so that maybe no one would judge me, even if its for the smallest of things because we don't even have the right to judge one another... we judge the people we don't even know or never seen until now.
On that note i leave my conclusion to be, "You are PERFECT, we all forget it because of the flaws God has given us, but be greatful you have them, because without them, you; wouldnt be YOU! "
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