Happy reading:)

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Live life accordingly to the good of the world, In the grace of God.

Hello there reader,
I hope your life is in tip top shape? You're looking to the good in everyone, and yourself. And I hope your heart is content.
Im just going to blabber on about what has been on my mind. And jump right into it...

We are stuck in a culture full of the internet, full of no privacy, and full of walls, posts and pictures that tell stories of our lives. Or what we want people to see! How easy is it to go out for a coffee with a friend, and sit on your phone! We all do it.

Somedays I wish I could jump back in time to the 1920's where life was different, people actually went to effort to meet or see others, and
Instead of your phone- your family was the closest thing you had.
Instead of caring about what picture's your tagged in- It was an honour and privilege to have a photograph taken.
Where cinema's only happened on a special occasion, and all you had to eat was home baked goods from Mum.
Where Men, were some kind of gentleman, (although if there is guys reading this) know you can still open doors for girls, treat her with respect she deserves, and honour any lady like she is your sister. And I'm not saying I think all men aren't gentlemen. I think the culture has changed- where boys aren't being taught the proper respect to have for women. We are sexualised, degraded, and objects to guys eyes. It's not their fault, they were designed in a way where we as women are eye candy! That's right girl- You're hot :)
Though, prehaps it's some of the woman, falling into the culture that has been changed over the last 50 years...
Ladies, when did it become okay to have side boob- and a skirt so short that we can practically see what you had for breakfast! Modesty is beautiful, and if you want to attract the right or a decent person, you may want to try some!

Anyway, I don't know why I got to this point. But I think I find it really easy to get frustrated in a culture that has so much potential. Don't miss an opportunity to do things right, make things right, or be right!

Everyone has things going on. Not just you! We all have a lot going on. And we all make decisions for our own selfish needs. We all have deeper issues, some  not so deep. Some people don't know about your issues, or anyone for that matter...other times it's the surface things that are getting to us. Who know's what ere all going through, but i know one thing- we're all messed up. DEEPLY messed up!
Lucky we have a God that loves us, and takes us as we are- right?
(yeah- you better know it)

But somehow we all find it normal to share, post, watch peoples lives from a screen, and share what we want of our own lives online! We are all blinded by what is really going on. When all it takes is a simple "How are you really going"?

Sometime's we may just need a break though! From the business of life, from small talk conversations, from work, from responsibility.

Other times, we want to dive right into life, get in the middle of everything.. Be everything that we can be, without responsibility...
GREAT IDEA? Let's all be kids again!! In reality that doesn't happen, we have to grow up and make decisions for ourselves, sometimes for other people!

This controversy I'm still discovering and trying to figure out.... how come -one week, I may have every desire to do everything possible, and energy to fly to the moon, the next, I have no desire to see anyone or be apart of anyone's business, and not do anything.. (And no, I don't have bipolar) We have our ups and downs, and I guess it's what we are going through that changes those things. Or the hormones our bodies are creating... sometimes both! LOL

But I really think life should be like a field of sunflowers; bright, colourful, makes you happy, yet it's so simple!

It's amazing isn't it, how in life we can pretend all we want, we can be someone we're not, we can hide our insecurities, we can hide our emotions, we can change the way people perceive us. But eventually the truth comes out. Eventually we start to figure out who people are, what colours they show, or the ones they don't.
We eventually see that we are all full of flaws, mistakes, regrets, and disappointment. I guess we just have to accept each others and get on with life!

Plus where is the fun in being someone you're not! I have some of the greatest friends, because of how real we are, stupid we are, and the crazy fun times we have despite our differences. The best way to feel encouraged, supported, and valued is with the people who stick around despite all your flaws! The ones that encourage you to grow and learn from the life you're facing!

And guess what?

I am weak. Im very much okay to admit that I can't do life in my own strength and most of the time I need God's strength to do life.. sometimes to even get out of bed (cause who doesn't want to stay in bed all day?) right!? Who is with me? AfreakingMEN!

Yes, but in all seriousness- It hasn't taken that long to discover, I may cry a little more then usual, I may not seek out all the best things for me, I may not seize the day everyday, or try my hardest in everything I do, or say the wrong things at the wrong time.
But I trust, that God has His plan- and I don't need mine!
Sometimes, I trust far to much in people. Which is my weakness. But I need to constantly trust in God!

Until next time!