Where your eyes are focused but your mind is completely mixed in changing and making what seems to be a movie in your head. In that moment, you contemplate life, dream bigger then you could achieve and wonder why you are even thinking that way in the first place. You can't stop. It's almost like an out of body experience. Life becomes unsure, my passions become a focus, and my purpose becomes to the fore front of my mind.
My purpose. A thought we must all get at some point right?
I know I often question it. Or life in general...
"why am I here, right now, in this exact spot"
It's one of those things... We have small moments like this...
I am thankful for them, because I know that in those times, God wants to speak to my heart.
Sometimes I think how I even got to where I am today, the people I am friends with, the work I do, and the constant blessings I have in my life. The little things that all add up to the bigger picture.
In these still moments, I know that God is who He says He is.
In these still moments, Life doesn't make sense, but God does.
In these still moments, because of that- I know I can trust and rely fully on God and the plans He has for my life.
His Glory and Grace over my life is unbelievable, even though I fail, my feet, mouth and mind take me to places I should be. Yet, His enduring Love covers all of my brokenness, my hurt, my suffering, and I am free.
In these still moments, I know I can be made whole in Jesus.
It almost brings me back to sanity.
I had one of these "still moments" the other day. I was over tired, in a place where I should be learning and growing, and all of a sudden my mind was else where. I was thinking about life, questioning my actions, my job, why I am here, if I should be somewhere else and what I am doing.
Then I came to realise, I am here, I am doing things, and whatever I may be learning and growing in- is for a reason and a bigger purpose. I have to be happy and content where God has placed me.
Of course we all get disappointed, especially when we have hope for something we may desire.
It gets frustrating when we pursue one thing and ended up with a different outcome. This has also happened to me recently. I put a lot of hope in a person, my mind took me into the future before I knew it. and I had a lot of hope for it to become something, before it was something. And you know what? It's not a bad thing, we all hope, I have a lot of hope. weather it's Gods plan, you never know. But People are placed in our lives for a reason, even if it's for a shorter amount of time, we should be blessed to even be able to have that time.
Being grateful with what we have may be difficult in hard situations, But we have to realise we were lucky to even have it in the first place. Take it, learn from it, and grow from it.
Things can only be as happy, as you want them to be after all.
I will end by saying,
In the quiet, in the stillness of your own heart- remember God has your plan. Trust and listen to His voice as He guides your steps towards His Kingdom
and Love.