Well this may in fact sound Ironic, but I'm actually finding it hard to find a time and a place.
Though I have faith and trust that I will soon. I guess what I'm trying to figure out is myself, and where I am meant to be at the moment. Also trying to figure out where I am meant to be has opened up my mind to other questions like "Is where I am meant to be for now"? Or "where in my life am I meant to take the next step, or move on"?
Its hard when you go through one massive chapter of life not knowing when the next one is going to come around, or what it is, or if it will actually happen. We all have dreams and desires in life, but at what point can we put them before needs and before we figure out how to get to those? Who knows if I'm making any sense, basically what I'm trying to say is, how will we ever know where we are meant to be in life? All it ever seems to be is finding where you belong, or finding exactly what you want to do and getting there. Getting where? A place where once we have what we want, or having been working hard to get... I think we are never going to be content in this life. It is only through the cross that we can have life to the full. Even then as humans we are broken. we can pick out the bad more from the good, because we are hurt and have been hurt. Though in tough situations, and discomfort in our hearts we will always have salvation. Even if I don't know where I'm headed in this life, I know where this one will lead.
Just some thoughts for tonight.