I seriously am not writing a lot at all lately. I can’t decide if it’s because I’m busy, or because writing everything down just makes me think deeper into every corner of my life. Probably a bit of both.
Every corner- Well there’s something that opens many different doors into my life. Recently I have been reading a book; that basically is about letting God write my story. Letting him have control of the pen and taking everything and giving it over. And I have discovered it is actually a lot harder then I originally thought. Yes, I have given my life to God, but I have discovered there is always that part of me that I want to control. Why? Because as humans we want power, we want considerations and we desire earthly things. Well, without God I don’t think we have any power. In our weakness he does good.
Doing good – Recently I have come across the idea that I want to be a better person. A better friend, and a better listener. We all want someone to listen to us. I have observed, while talking to others, and I think we all just like talking about ourselves. Or what’s going on in our lives, to give someone an insight into how we are. As much as I love talking to people about my life, Listening to others can be quiet beneficial. Having encouragement as one of my spiritual gifts it’s easy to forget that god can use me in different situations. God can use all of us in different situations. As a community we can help and be a part of this crazy life here.
Listening- Just the other day I had a Lady come up to me. Somehow we got talking. She ended up basically opening her heart, telling me things I wouldn’t dare to tell a stranger, let alone someone who I had never met. She was 72 years old, talking to an 18 year old. There she was, crying and pouring her heart out, about the difficult situations this life was bringing to her. And all I could do was listen. I discovered that day that listening, whether it be for anything is one of the most powerful tools to being a friend.
Being a friend- I love being a friend, and I know that I am incredibly blessed to have such amazing people around me. It can be hard being so close to many. There is a clear line on trust and faith. And I try my best to be a good friend. Which leads me to…
Love- “Becoming the person you’re looking for, is looking for”. We are all looking for someone right? And it can be difficult to trust others and God with life plans. I mentioned the book I was reading before. This is the corner of my life that I need to let God in more then what I have in the past. Though this corner of my life isn’t that full at all, I give God the reigns. Whatever happens God, I trust in you. Love isn’t just romantic love either, it once again is in every corner.
To end this, I’m just going to say PEACE.