Happy reading:)

Sunday, 11 September 2011

10 years ago on 9/11

This day 10 years ago, I was living in New Zealand. Watching the devastation, and the un-thinkable happen in New York. I was young, though I remember people running, screaming, jumping, bleeding, and pleading for help. Some people have asked me, why do bad things happen to good people? All i can say is that; this world we live in has fear, anguish, and pain. And we have to embrace the happiness when its here. We have suffering so that life here, is valuable to us! A lot of people have no idea what happens after death, and their eternity can be lost.
On this day 10 years ago, many people had to endure the pain, the loss, the grief and sadness. While the rest of us had to sit and watch, what was going on around the other side of the world.
For me, i will always remember sitting at my home then, and watching the towers crumble, people jumping off the buildings because they had no choice!
People do some crazy messed up things in this world.. without it we would learn nothing, we wouldn't grow without pain, and become who God has created for us to be. We have a love that can over power the hard times, make the numbness heal, make our hearts whole, and make our souls pure.

Thursday, 8 September 2011


jade, she is amazing, blessed i am to call her a friend. This year she has been a gift from God, and i know that moving to box hill senior has been worth it, just to meet her.
As soon as we both met, on the first day of school this year, we said hi, and i'm pretty sure that instantly we knew we were going to be great friends. We figured we were the only two people in our group, and instantly decided to make a spot for our selfs at this school, and call it something extravagant ( because other people had their spots), we named ours "the window" as it was in a shape of a window.
Through year 12 jade and i have formed a great bond, we constantly laugh at one anothers misfortune, cry when the other is crying, and get all stupid when we need to block out the stress of folios!
All i can say is that i love her! she's just about as stupid as i am, and just as silly. So we get along just fine :)
PS on ya jade ;)


hello. I haven't written a blog in a while. this is most likely due to  year 12 taking over my life and almost savaging my social life. Now only 2 weeks of 3rd term left, and I'm as busy as a bicycle wheel going 100k an hour.
With lots of family portraits going on, work, formals, church, and year 12 put together, plus having 2 folios, 4 finals, all my health due in, 2 more sacs, and trying to have a social life. wow its crazy.
Though I'm learning a lot. Mostly how to deal with everything, and just as that happens, its all going to end. End- year 12? it almost doesn't feel possible. But within the next 2 weeks, everything is going to be done. Crazy to think that. Also at the end of the two weeks, is going to be one of the best weeks this year.... YOUTH CAMP! just a tad excited, for these 2 weeks to be up, unless my brain overload decides to take over my body, and then ill become a walking time bomb.
It'll be okay, this year i have received lots and i mean LOTS of experience with photography and film, its been amazing, i will have enough family portraits for a folio, of experience. God has truly blessed me this year! church banner, filming for the church CD.. and now all this experience with family photographs. It is AMAZING. all while this has happened he is using my hands to bless other people. The church was blessed with a banner, who ever sees the amazing church CD will be blessed! And children in thailand will be blessed with the money i raise for target thai! Its amazing that God can use someone like me, to bless others around me, and also bless those in another country. So thank you God, for using me, i will serve you all of my days!
thats it for now :) gotta head back to reality and year 12...