Have you ever been influenced? By what you hear, see, or what the people around you do..?
Well just the other night during prayer and worship, i saw how i, have been influenced in my past.
And I've realised, that im still that scared little girl sometimes. The girl that a teacher found in grade prep, in the fetal position because some stupid grade 6 boys decided to make a nasty influence that has scared her...though I am not all that little anymore, though i face bigger life decisions, bigger choices, and bigger fears. The fears that I faced when i was young, the hurt i faced when i was young, has affected me greatly in how i see things today, how i fear things today, and how i act today...
A lady was speaking at church the other night... she was saying that our brains, without even knowing it, fear, what we used to fear. That without even knowing it, our brains automatically think that way, the way where we put ourselfs down, where we are afraid of that same hurt, afraid of that same sittuation, and afraid of the influence.
And yet here i am, only now, realising that this has affected me in ways i hadn't known. I have grown, loved, lost, feared, and become who i am today. Without the love of My God and Savior Jesus Christ, i wouldn't be who i am today. In fact i would of gone off the rails, gone somewhere, where that fear would of taken me. But because of the Lord, i am saved. I don't have to fear.. for he is always with me.